#!/usr/bin/make -f UPSTREAM_GIT:=https://github.com/gnocchixyz/gnocchi include /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos.make export SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion | sed -e 's/^[[:digit:]]*://' -e 's/[-].*//' -e 's/~/.0/' -e 's/+dfsg1//' | head -n 1) UNIT_TEST_BLACKLIST = test_carbonara.CarbonaraCmd.*|.*test_bin\.BinTestCase\.test_gnocchi_config_generator_run.* %: dh $@ --buildsystem=python_distutils --with python3,sphinxdoc override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -rf build debian/gnocchi-common.postinst debian/gnocchi-common.config debian/gnocchi-api.config debian/gnocchi-api.postinst rm -rf debian/CHANGEME-common.postrm debian/*.templates debian/po override_dh_auto_clean: echo "Do nothing ..." override_dh_auto_build: /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_insert_include pkgos_func gnocchi-common.postinst /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_insert_include pkgos_func gnocchi-common.config /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_insert_include pkgos_func gnocchi-api.postinst /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_insert_include pkgos_func gnocchi-api.config /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_insert_include pkgos_postrm gnocchi-common.postrm pkgos-merge-templates gnocchi-api gnocchi endpoint pkgos-merge-templates gnocchi-common gnocchi db ksat override_dh_auto_install: echo "Do nothing..." override_dh_auto_test: echo "Do nothing..." override_dh_install: set -e ; for pyvers in $(PYTHON3S); do \ python$$pyvers setup.py install --install-layout=deb --root $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp; \ done ifeq (,$(findstring nocheck, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) echo "Not running unit tests until launching mysql or postgresql is fixed..." # @echo "===> Running tests" # set -e ; set -x ; for i in $(PYTHON3S) ; do \ # PYMAJOR=`echo $$i | cut -d'.' -f1` ; \ # BINDIR=`pg_config --bindir` ; \ # PG_MYTMPDIR=`mktemp -d` ; \ # export LC_ALL="C" ; \ # export LANGUAGE=C ; \ # PGSQL_PORT=9823 ; \ # $$BINDIR/initdb -D $$PG_MYTMPDIR ; \ # $$BINDIR/pg_ctl -w -D $$PG_MYTMPDIR -o "-k $$PG_MYTMPDIR -p $$PGSQL_PORT" start > /dev/null ; \ # attempts=0 ; \ # while ! [ -e $$PG_MYTMPDIR/postmaster.pid ] ; do \ # if [ $$attempts -gt 10 ] ; then \ # echo "Exiting test: postgres pid file was not created after 30 seconds" ; \ # exit 1 ; \ # fi ; \ # attempts=$$((attempts+1)) ; \ # sleep 3 ; \ # done ; \ # export GNOCCHI_INDEXER_URL="postgresql:///template1?host=$$PG_MYTMPDIR&port=9823" ; \ # export GNOCCHI_TEST_STORAGE_DRIVER=file ; \ # echo "===> Testing with python$$i (python$$PYMAJOR)" ; \ # rm -rf .testrepository ; \ # testr-python$$PYMAJOR init ; \ # TEMP_REZ=`mktemp -t` ; \ # export PATH=$(PATH):$(CURDIR)/debian/bin && PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR):$(CURDIR)/debian/bin PYTHON=python$$i testr-python$$PYMAJOR run --subunit 'gnocchi\.tests\.(?!.*('"$(UNIT_TEST_BLACKLIST)"'))' | tee $$TEMP_REZ | subunit2pyunit ; \ # cat $$TEMP_REZ | subunit-filter -s --no-passthrough | subunit-stats ; \ # rm -f $$TEMP_REZ ; \ # testr-python$$PYMAJOR slowest ; \ # echo "===> Stopping PGSQL" ; \ # $$BINDIR/pg_ctl stop -D $$PG_MYTMPDIR ; \ # done endif mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnocchi/indexer cp -auxf gnocchi/indexer/alembic $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnocchi/indexer rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/python*-gnocchi/usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/*.pth rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/python*-gnocchi/usr/etc mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/gnocchi-common/usr/share/gnocchi-common PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages python3-oslo-config-generator \ --output-file $(CURDIR)/debian/gnocchi-common/usr/share/gnocchi-common/gnocchi.conf \ --wrap-width 140 \ --namespace gnocchi \ --namespace oslo.db \ --namespace oslo.middleware.cors \ --namespace oslo.middleware.healthcheck \ --namespace oslo.middleware.http_proxy_to_wsgi \ --namespace oslo.policy \ --namespace cotyledon \ --namespace keystonemiddleware.auth_token sed -i 's|^[ \t#]*url[ \t#]*=.*|url = sqlite:////var/lib/gnocchi/gnocchidb|' $(CURDIR)/debian/gnocchi-common/usr/share/gnocchi-common/gnocchi.conf dh_install dh_missing --fail-missing override_dh_sphinxdoc: # echo "===> Starting PGSQL" ; \ # BINDIR=`pg_config --bindir` ; \ # PG_MYTMPDIR=`mktemp -d` ; \ # chown postgres:postgres $$PG_MYTMPDIR || true ; \ # export PGHOST=$$PG_MYTMPDIR ; \ # chmod +x debian/start_pg.sh ; \ # debian/start_pg.sh $$PG_MYTMPDIR ; \ # export GNOCCHI_TEST_INDEXER_URL="postgresql:///template1?host=$$PG_MYTMPDIR&port=9823" ; \ # PYTHONPATH=. sphinx-build -b html doc/source debian/python3-gnocchi-doc/usr/share/doc/python3-gnocchi-doc/html ; \ # dh_sphinxdoc -O--buildsystem=python_distutils ; \ # $$BINDIR/pg_ctl stop -D $$PG_MYTMPDIR echo "Do nothing..." override_dh_python3: dh_python3 --shebang=/usr/bin/python3 # Commands not to run override_dh_installcatalogs: override_dh_installemacsen override_dh_installifupdown: override_dh_installinfo override_dh_installmenu override_dh_installmime: override_dh_installmodules override_dh_installpam override_dh_installppp override_dh_installudev override_dh_installwm: override_dh_installxfonts override_dh_gconf override_dh_icons override_dh_perl override_dh_usrlocal: override_dh_installgsettings: