#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- Mode: Makefile; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- export DH_OPTIONS export DH_GOPKG := github.com/gosexy/gettext export DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES := examples export PKD = $(abspath $(dir $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) export PKG = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(PKD)/changelog --show-field=Source) %: dh $@ --buildsystem=golang --with=golang override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build # We should ship example files because gettext_test.go uses them, and we ship that cp -r examples/*/ obj-*/src/github.com/gosexy/gettext/examples/ # But we don't need the example code itself or the pot files rm obj-*/src/github.com/gosexy/gettext/examples/gettext.go rm obj-*/src/github.com/gosexy/gettext/examples/*/*.pot override_dh_auto_test: LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 dh_auto_test get-orig-source: rm -rf $(PKG) git clone https://$(DH_GOPKG) $(PKG) echo $(shell git -C $(PKG) log --date=short -r -1 | grep ^Date: | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' -') tar -caf "$(PKG)_0~git$(shell git -C $(PKG) log --date=short -r -1 | grep ^Date: | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' -').orig.tar.xz" --exclude-vcs --owner=root --group=root --mode=a+rX $(PKG) rm -rf $(PKG)