Source: googler Section: misc Priority: optional Maintainer: SZ Lin (林上智) Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11), python3 (>= 3.4), dh-python Standards-Version: 4.2.1 Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Package: googler Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, python3 (>= 3.4) Description: Power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search from the terminal Features: . - Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News - Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), customisable color - Open result URLs (or the actual search) in browser - Navigate search result pages from omniprompt - Fetch n results in a go, start at the nth result - Disable automatic spelling correction and search exact keywords - Limit search by duration, country/domain specific search (default: .com), language preference - Supports Google search keywords like 'filetype:mime', '' etc. - Optionally open the first result directly in browser (as in "I'm Feeling Lucky") - Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting - Proxy support - Man page with examples, shell completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish