#! /usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk export SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION=$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM:+ds=) export PYBUILD_NAME=metpy export PYBUILD_BEFORE_TEST=\ ln -s {dir}/conftest.py {dir}/tests 2>/dev/null || true; \ ln -s {dir}/src/${PYBUILD_NAME}/*.txt {build_dir}/${PYBUILD_NAME} 2>/dev/null || true; \ ln -s {dir}/src/${PYBUILD_NAME}/plots/_static {build_dir}/${PYBUILD_NAME}/plots 2>/dev/null || true; \ ln -s {dir}/src/${PYBUILD_NAME}/plots/colortable_files {build_dir}/${PYBUILD_NAME}/plots 2>/dev/null || true; \ ln -s {dir}/src/${PYBUILD_NAME}/plots/nexrad_tables {build_dir}/${PYBUILD_NAME}/plots 2>/dev/null || true export PYBUILD_AFTER_TEST=rm -f {dir}/tests/conftest.py export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=\ -W ignore::DeprecationWarning \ -k "not test_projection \ and not test_pyproj_projection \ and not test_no_projection \ and not test_globe \ and not test_geodetic \ and not test_unit_array \ and not test_units \ and not test_units_data \ and not test_magnitude_with_quantity \ and not test_convert_units \ and not test_convert_to_base_units \ and not test_missing_grid_mapping_invalid \ and not test_coordinates_basic_by_method \ and not test_coordinates_basic_by_property \ and not test_narr_example_variable_without_grid_mapping \ and not test_find_axis_name_ \ and not test_find_axis_number_ \ and not test_cf_parse_with_grid_mapping \ and not test_data_array_loc_ \ and not test_data_array_sel_ \ and not test_dataset_ \ and not test_check_axis_with_bad_unit \ and not test_auxilary_lat_lon_ \ and not test_zoom_xarray \ and not test_parse_grid_arguments_xarray \ and not test_absolute_momentum_xarray_units_attr \ and not test_precipitable_water \ and not test_mean_pressure_weighted \ and not test_weighted_continuous_average \ and not test_precipitable_water_xarray \ and not test_bunkers_motion \ and not test_bulk_shear \ and not test_critical_angle \ and not _4d \ and not test_interpolate_to_grid \ and not test_natural_neighbor_to_grid \ and not test_inverse_distance_to_grid \ and not test_interpolate_to_points \ and not test_natural_neighbor_to_points \ and not test_inverse_distance_to_points \ and not test_declarative_ \ and not test_no_field_error\ and not test_ndim_error_ \ and not test_projection_object \ and not test_colorfill \ and not test_global \ and not test_latlon \ and not test_plotobs_units_with_formatter \ and not test_attribute_error_ \ and not test_time_deltas \ and not test_latlon_default_units \ and not test_add_timestamp_xarray \ and not test_find_nn_triangles_point \ and not test_vorticity_grid_pole \ and not test_corfidi_motion \ and not test_corfidi_motion_override_llj \ and not test_corfidi_corfidi_llj_unaivalable \ and not test_corfidi_corfidi_cloudlayer_trimmed \ and not test_corfidi_motion_with_nans \ and not test_colorbar_kwargs \ and not test_xy_not_vertical \ and not test_lcc_minimal \ and not test_lcc_single_std_parallel" \ --ignore=tests/io/test_gempak.py \ --ignore=tests/io/test_gini.py \ --ignore=tests/io/test_metar.py \ --ignore=tests/io/test_nexrad.py \ --ignore=tests/io/test_station_data.py \ --ignore=tests/io/test_text.py %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild