Source: node-jest Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers Uploaders: Pirate Praveen , Xavier Guimard Section: javascript Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs Priority: optional Build-Depends: chai , debhelper-compat (= 13) , dh-sequence-nodejs , help2man , jq , node-ansi-escapes , node-ansi-regex , node-ansi-styles , node-anymatch , node-babel-core (>= 7.8.3) , node-babel-preset-react (>= 7) , node-babel-register (>= 7) , node-babel-traverse (>= 7) , node-babel7 , node-braces , node-browserslist , node-camelcase , node-chalk , node-chokidar , node-ci-info , node-co , node-color-name , node-convert-source-map , node-cosmiconfig , node-crypto-browserify , node-deepmerge , node-detect-newline , node-emittery , node-execa , node-exit , node-flow-remove-types , node-glob (>= 7.1.1) , node-glob-stream (>= 6.1.0+~6.1.0~) , node-graceful-fs , node-is-generator-fn , node-istanbul , node-jsdom , node-json-stable-stringify , node-leven , node-make-error , node-merge-stream , node-micromatch , node-minimatch , node-minimist , node-mkdirp (>= 0.5.1) , node-normalize-package-data , node-prompts , node-prop-types , node-react , node-read-pkg (>= 5.2~) , node-read-pkg-up , node-resolve , node-resolve-from , node-rimraf , node-rollup-plugin-babel (>= 5.2~) , node-rollup-plugin-commonjs , node-rollup-plugin-json , node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve , node-rollup-plugin-typescript (>= 6.0~) , node-sane , node-semver , node-sinon , node-slash , node-source-map , node-source-map-support , node-stack-utils , node-strip-ansi (>= 4.0.0) , node-strip-bom , node-supports-color , node-tough-cookie , node-types-node , node-typescript (>= 4.0~) , node-vinyl (>= 2.2.1+~2.0.4~) , node-write-file-atomic , node-yargs , node-yargs-parser , rollup (>= 2~) , ts-node , webpack Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: jest Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends} , node-ansi-regex , node-ansi-styles , node-anymatch , node-babel-code-frame (>= 7) , node-babel-core (>= 7) , node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports , node-babel-template (>= 7) , node-babel-traverse (>= 7) , node-babel-types (>= 7) , node-camelcase , node-chalk , node-co , node-convert-source-map , node-cosmiconfig , node-deepmerge , node-detect-newline , node-emittery , node-execa , node-exit , node-glob , node-graceful-fs , node-is-generator-fn , node-istanbul , node-jest-debbundle , node-jest-worker , node-jsdom , node-json-stable-stringify , node-leven , node-micromatch , node-minimist , node-prompts , node-react , node-read-pkg (>= 5.2~) , node-read-pkg-up , node-resolve , node-rimraf , node-sane , node-semver , node-sinon , node-slash , node-source-map , node-source-map-support , node-stack-utils , node-strip-bom , node-types-babel-core , node-types-babel-traverse , node-which , node-write-file-atomic , node-yargs , nodejs Provides: ${jest:Provides} Description: Delightful JavaScript Testing Some features of this testing framework are: * Easy Setup: Jest is a complete and easy to set up JavaScript testing solution. In fact, Jest works out of the box for any React project. * Instant Feedback: Failed tests run first. Fast interactive mode can switch between running all tests or only test files related to changed files. * Snapshot Testing: Jest can capture snapshots of React trees or other serializable values to simplify UI testing. . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. Package: node-jest-worker Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} , node-merge-stream , node-supports-color , node-types-node Description: Nodejs module for executing heavy tasks under forked processes in parallel jest-worker provides a `Promise` based interface, minimum overhead and bound workers. . The module works by providing an absolute path of the module to be loaded in all forked processes. Files relative to a node module are also accepted. All methods are exposed on the parent process as promises, so they can be `await`'ed. Child (worker) methods can either be synchronous or asynchronous. . The module also implements support for bound workers. Binding a worker means that, based on certain parameters, the same task will always be executed by the same worker. The way bound workers work is by using the returned string of the `computeWorkerKey` method. If the string was used before for a task, the call will be queued to the related worker that processed the task earlier; if not, it will be executed by the first available worker, then sticked to the worker that executed it; so the next time it will be processed by the same worker. If you have no preference on the worker executing the task, but you have defined a `computeWorkerKey` method because you want _some_ of the tasks to be sticked, you can return `null` from it. Package: node-jest-debbundle Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} , node-ansi-escapes , node-ci-info , node-has-flag , node-pkg-dir , node-resolve-cwd , node-strip-ansi , node-supports-color , nodejs Provides: ${jest:depsProvides} Description: various ittle Node.js modules needed by jest This package provides: * astral-regex * babel-preset-jest * babel-plugin-jest-hoist * babel-preset-moxy. * char-regex * dedent * import-local * is-ci * p-each-series * p-reduce * repl * string-length * terminal-link * throat