#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND += -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,--as-needed export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_test: @echo test suite disabled due to archive wide breakage 2024/04/11 override_dh_prep: dh_prep debconf-updatepo override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-tls PKGDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/nullmailer SPOOLDIR = $(PKGDIR)/var/spool/nullmailer # remove trigger from the .deb (Policy 3.8.4 s10.6) - it must be created in initscript override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install $(RM) $(SPOOLDIR)/trigger # mutter, I thought dh_installchangelogs Did The Right Thing with GNU-style NEWS changelogs override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs -k NEWS override_dh_autoreconf: touch ChangeLog dh_autoreconf # ensure smooth upgrade from previous stop / start style maintscripts override_dh_systemd_start: dh_systemd_start --no-restart-after-upgrade override_dh_fixperms: dh_fixperms chown mail $(PKGDIR)/usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue $(PKGDIR)/usr/bin/mailq chmod 4755 $(PKGDIR)/usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue $(PKGDIR)/usr/bin/mailq chown -R mail:root $(SPOOLDIR) chmod 0755 $(SPOOLDIR) chmod 0750 $(SPOOLDIR)/queue $(SPOOLDIR)/tmp