#!/usr/bin/make -f DEB_HOST_ARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH) # reduce g++ memory usage to fix FTBFS ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), mips mipsel sh4)) export DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = --param ggc-min-expand=10 endif export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk DEB_BUILD_PARALLEL := 1 ifneq "$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))" "" njobs_requested := $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) # Artificially limit parallelism in order not to run out of RAM. mem_total := $(shell grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2) njobs_max := $(patsubst 0,1,$(shell echo $$(( $(mem_total) / 2000000 )))) DEB_PARALLEL_JOBS_BUILD := $(shell echo $$(( $(njobs_requested) > $(njobs_max) ? $(njobs_max) : $(njobs_requested) ))) # Artificially limit parallelism in order not to run out of RAM while compiling the test suite. njobs_max_check := $(patsubst 0,1,$(shell echo $$(( $(mem_total) / 2000000 )))) DEB_PARALLEL_JOBS_CHECK := $(shell echo $$(( $(njobs_requested) > $(njobs_max_check) ? $(njobs_max_check) : $(njobs_requested) ))) # Disable CDBS handling of parallel building. DEB_MAKE_PARALLEL := # Manually handle parallelism. DEB_MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS_CHECK_ARGS := -j$(DEB_PARALLEL_JOBS_CHECK) DEB_MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS_BUILD_ARGS := -j$(DEB_PARALLEL_JOBS_BUILD) DEB_MAKE_BUILD_TARGET = $(DEB_MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS_BUILD_ARGS) endif DEB_MAKE_CHECK_TARGET := $(DEB_MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS_CHECK_ARGS) check TMPDIR="$(CURDIR)"/tmpdata DEB_INSTALL_CHANGELOGS_ALL := NEWS DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL := AUTHORS README DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_ALL := -V -- -t include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/upstream-tarball.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk DEB_COPYRIGHT_CHECK_IGNORE_REGEX := ^debian/(changelog|copyright(|_hints|_newhints))$$|^doc/.*[.](pdf|jpg|eps|gif|png)$$|^src/test/.*[.](min|det|far|fst|mod|cnts|mrg|pru|txt|sym|print|tgz)|.*/usr/(bin|lib)/.*)|src/(.*\.(o|lo|a|la|so|backup)|src/.*/.libs/.*)$$ DEB_TAR_SRCDIR := . DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_LIBTOOL = pre DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_ACLOCAL = , DEB_ACLOCAL_ARGS= DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOMAKE = , DEB_AUTOMAKE_ARGS = --foreign --add-missing --copy DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOCONF = 2.69 DEB_CONFIGURE_USER_FLAGS = --enable-static CDBS_BUILD_DEPENDS += , debhelper (>= 9), dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~), libfst-dev (>= 1.6.3), libfst-tools (>= 1.6.3) BACKUP= \ src/bin/Makefile.in \ src/lib/Makefile.in \ src/test/Makefile.in \ src/Makefile.in \ src/include/Makefile.in \ Makefile.in \ configure \ aclocal.m4 \ ltmain.sh \ config.h.in \ depcomp \ missing \ compile \ m4/libtool.m4 \ m4/ltoptions.m4 \ m4/ltsugar.m4 \ m4/ltversion.m4 \ m4/lt~obsolete.m4 pre-build:: # Backup files expected to be modified. set -e ; for i in $(BACKUP); do \ if [ ! -f "$$i".backup ]; then cp -a "$$i" "$$i".backup; fi ; \ done mkdir -p "$(CURDIR)"/tmpdata clean:: set -e ; for i in $(BACKUP); do \ if [ -f "$$i".backup ]; then mv -f "$$i".backup "$$i"; fi ; \ done $(RM) -r "$(CURDIR)"/tmpdata $(RM) -r config.log