#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 # This has to be exported to make some magic below work. export DH_OPTIONS # Enable hardening build flags export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all # Don't fail when d/control doesn't match template export PG_UPDATECONTROL=yes include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk include /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgxs_debian_control.mk # Ignore testsuite failures on these architectures IGNORE_TEST_FAILURE_ARCHS = i386 mips mips64el mipsel s390x alpha hppa hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 powerpc ppc64 sparc64 ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),$(IGNORE_TEST_FAILURE_ARCHS))) TEST_FAIL_COMMAND = echo "Ignoring test failures" else TEST_FAIL_COMMAND = exit 1 endif # Upstream version (including ~rcN) for symbols version UPSTREAM_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) | sed -e 's/\+.*//') MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell grep ^POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION Version.config | cut -d= -f2) MINOR_VERSION = $(shell grep ^POSTGIS_MINOR_VERSION Version.config | cut -d= -f2) MICRO_VERSION = $(shell grep ^POSTGIS_MICRO_VERSION Version.config | cut -d= -f2) POSTGIS_VERSION = $(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION).$(MICRO_VERSION) ifeq ($(POSTGIS_VERSION),..) $(error Cannot detect Postgis version, fix debian/rules) endif # For the Postgres APT repository, we want to support multiple # Postgres versions. However, docs and the JDBC jar only need to be # built once - in the main directory. NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION = $(shell pg_buildext supported-versions $(CURDIR) | tail -1) ifeq ($(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION),) $(error Cannot detect Postgres version, check debian/pgversions and pg_buildext) endif OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS = $(shell pg_buildext supported-versions $(CURDIR) \ | grep -v "$(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION)") COMMON_CONFIGURE_ARGS = --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) \ --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=\$${prefix} \ --docdir=\$${prefix}/share/doc \ --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man \ --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info \ --without-interrupt-tests \ --without-phony-revision \ --enable-lto NJOBS := -j1 ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(subst $(COMMA), ,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))) NJOBS := -j$(subst parallel=,,$(filter parallel=%,$(subst $(COMMA), ,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))) endif %: dh $@ override_dh_autoreconf: dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh override_dh_auto_clean: debian/control # Clean all separate build directories. (set -ex; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS); do \ rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER; \ done) [ ! -f GNUmakefile ] || $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) distclean || true [ ! -f GNUmakefile ] || $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C doc images-clean || true # Cleanup after the Makefile rm -f postgis/postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql.in \ raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_drop.sql \ raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_upgrade_cleanup.sql # Cleanup auto-generated packaging control files rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*.install rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*.lintian-overrides rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts.install rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts.lintian-overrides rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts.postinst rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts.prerm rm -f loader/cunit/cu_tester rm -rf liblwgeom/cunit/.libs override_dh_auto_configure: # Copy sources required to build extensions for all but the most # recent Postgres version. Unfortunately, Postgis doesn't support # vpath builds. (set -ex; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS); do \ mkdir $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER; \ for FILE in `ls $(CURDIR) | grep -v debian`; do \ cp -a $$FILE $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER; \ done; \ done) # PostGIS for the most recent PostgreSQL version @echo "### PostgreSQL $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION) configure ###" ./configure $(COMMON_CONFIGURE_ARGS) \ --datadir=\$${prefix}/share/postgresql-$(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION)-postgis \ --with-pgconfig=/usr/lib/postgresql/$(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION)/bin/pg_config # PostGIS for all older Postgres versions (set -e; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS); do \ echo "### PostgreSQL $$PGVER configure ###"; \ cd $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER; \ ./configure $(COMMON_CONFIGURE_ARGS) \ --datadir=\$${prefix}/share/postgresql-$$PGVER-postgis \ --with-pgconfig=/usr/lib/postgresql/$$PGVER/bin/pg_config; \ done) override_dh_auto_build: # Create debhelper files for each Postgres major version (set -ex; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS) $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION); do \ for SUFFIX in .install .lintian-overrides -scripts.install -scripts.lintian-overrides -scripts.postinst -scripts.prerm; do \ cat $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-generic-postgis$$SUFFIX.in \ | sed -e "s/@PGVERSION@/$$PGVER/g" \ > $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-$$PGVER-postgis-$(MAJOR_VERSION)$$SUFFIX; \ done \ done) # Build against the newest Postgres version @echo "### PostgreSQL $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION) build ###" $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C doc # Build against all other Postgres versions (set -e; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS); do \ echo "### PostgreSQL $$PGVER build ###"; \ $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER; \ done) # Let PostGIS create a perl script from postgis_restore.pl.in $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C utils # Create a few SQL scripts that the Makefiles are not clever enough # to resolve, when building arch-indep only. $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C postgis postgis.sql postgis_upgrade.sql $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C raster/rt_pg rtpostgis.sql rtpostgis_upgrade.sql $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C topology topology.sql topology_upgrade.sql # This creates the required SQL scripts. Again, the Makefile is not # clever enough to run this before 'install'. $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C extensions override_dh_auto_test: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) # Run unit tests (against the newest Postgres version first) @echo "### PostgreSQL $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION) test ###" pg_virtualenv -v $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION) \ make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v" || $(TEST_FAIL_COMMAND) # Test against all other Postgres versions set -e; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS); do \ echo "### PostgreSQL $$PGVER test ###"; \ pg_virtualenv -v $$PGVER \ make -C $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v" || $(TEST_FAIL_COMMAND); \ done endif override_dh_auto_install: # Install the most recent Postgres version. Note that we used to # install only utils and extensions. However, there are sql scripts # in postgis, raster and topology as well, which need to be # installed for the -scripts package(s). @echo "### PostgreSQL $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION) install ###" $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp # Install all older Postgres versions. (set -e; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS); do \ echo "### PostgreSQL $$PGVER install ###"; \ $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(CURDIR)/debian/build-$$PGVER \ install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp; \ done) # Remove unversioned and unused files from address standardizer rm -fv debian/tmp/usr/share/postgresql/*/extension/address_standardizer.sql rm -fv debian/tmp/usr/share/postgresql/*/extension/address_standardizer_data_us.sql # Move extension control files to version-specific names # (otherwise, the -script packages from different major versions would conflict) (set -ex; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS) $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION); do \ for control in $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share/postgresql/$$PGVER/extension/*.control; do \ mv $$control $${control%.control}-$(MAJOR_VERSION).control; \ done \ done) # Compile and install docs $(MAKE) -C doc docs-install man-install \ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp \ PGSQL_DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc \ PGSQL_MANDIR=/usr/share/man # De-duplicate upgrade scripts - using hard-links for exactly one # directory (so we don't generate cross-directory hard ones). (set -e; \ for PGVER in $(OTHER_POSTGRES_VERSIONS) $(NEWEST_POSTGRES_VERSION); do \ rdfind -makeresultsfile false -makehardlinks true \ $(CURDIR)/debian/postgresql-$$PGVER-postgis-*-scripts/usr/share/postgresql/$$PGVER/extension; \ done) # Don't include desktop file & application icons in scripts package rm -rf debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts/usr/share/postgresql/*/applications rm -rf debian/postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts/usr/share/postgresql/*/icons execute_before_dh_install: $(RM) $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/postgresql/*/bin/* $(RM) $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/postgis/README.postgis $(RM) $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-*/extension/README.address_standardizer override_dh_makeshlibs: dh_makeshlibs -Xusr/lib/postgis -- -v$(UPSTREAM_VERSION) .PHONY: debian/control