#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- export PYBUILD_NAME=pytest # 2015-12-16 barry@debian.org: Because pytest does not clean up after itself, # use a custom temporary directory (which is easier to clean up manually, # e.g. in an sbuild). export PYBUILD_BEFORE_TEST=mkdir -p {dir}/debian/tmp/test-working-directory export PYBUILD_AFTER_TEST=rm -rf {dir}/debian/tmp/test-working-directory # 2022-12-11 roehling@debian.org: As of this writing, autopkgtest-pkg-pybuild # cannot handle custom tests, so we improvise: export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=BREAK_COMMAND_ON_PURPOSE >/dev/null 2>&1; \ cd {dir}/debian/tmp/test-working-directory && \ {interpreter} -m pytest --lsof -rfsxX \ --ignore={dir}/testing/test_entry_points.py \ --ignore={dir}/testing/test_terminal.py \ -k 'not test_code_highlight' \ {dir}/testing %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild execute_after_dh_auto_build: PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR)/src \ SPHINXBUILD=/usr/share/sphinx/scripts/python3/sphinx-build \ $(MAKE) -C doc/en man html