Source: r-cran-afex Maintainer: Debian R Packages Maintainers Uploaders: Jonathon Love Section: gnu-r Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-r Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~), dh-r, r-base-dev, r-cran-lme4 (>= 1.1-8), r-cran-pbkrtest, r-cran-lmertest, r-cran-car, r-cran-reshape2 Standards-Version: 4.2.1 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Package: r-cran-afex Architecture: all Depends: ${R:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Recommends: ${R:Recommends} Suggests: ${R:Suggests} Description: GNU R package for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models The r-cran-afex package is a GNU R package providing convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models. aov_ez(), aov_car(), and aov_4() allow specification of between, within (i.e., repeated- measures), or mixed between-within (i.e., split- plot) ANOVAs for data in long format (i.e., one observation per row), potentially aggregating multiple observations per individual and cell of the design. mixed() fits mixed models using lme4::lmer() and computes p-values for all fixed effects using either Kenward-Roger approximation for degrees of freedom (LMM only), parametric bootstrap (LMMs and GLMMs), or likelihood ratio tests (LMMs and GLMMs). afex uses type 3 sums of squares as default (imitating commercial statistical software).