#!/usr/bin/make -f # python overrides: DEB_PYTHON2_MODULE_PACKAGES = python-rainbow rainbow #DEB_SRCDIR = $(CURDIR)/rainbow include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk # more overrides: DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET = DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install DH_VERBOSE=1 # custom stuff:: HELP2MAN_PROPS = --section=8 --no-info -S 'Rainbow User Manual' --include='./debian/help2man.include' # generate manpages. # PYTHONPATH specified so that the scripts execute properly without installation build/rainbow:: PYTHONPATH=. help2man $(HELP2MAN_PROPS) --name='Enable the use of the X display in rainbow-secured shells' ./bin/rainbow-xify > ./rainbow-xify.8 PYTHONPATH=. help2man $(HELP2MAN_PROPS) --name='Create and use Rainbow-isolated instances' ./bin/rainbow-run > ./rainbow-run.8 PYTHONPATH=. help2man $(HELP2MAN_PROPS) --name='Helper script for using Sugar with Rainbow' ./bin/rainbow-sugarize > ./rainbow-sugarize.8 PYTHONPATH=. help2man $(HELP2MAN_PROPS) --name='Helper script which attempts to garbage-collect stale uid reservations' ./bin/rainbow-gc > ./rainbow-gc.8 pandoc -s -w man ./debian/rainbow-easy.8.md -o rainbow-easy.8 pandoc -s -w man ./debian/rainbow-resume.8.md -o rainbow-resume.8 pandoc -s -w man ./debian/mkenvdir.1.md -o mkenvdir.1 clean:: make -C nss clean rm -f rainbow-xify.8 rainbow-run.8 rainbow-sugarize.8 rainbow-easy.8 mkenvdir.1 rm -rf rainbow.egg-info rm -rf build