Buildx is a Docker CLI plugin that extends build capabilities using BuildKit. Cache backends support credentials by setting secrets directly as attribute values in cache-to/cache-from configuration. When supplied as user input, these secure values may be inadvertently captured in OpenTelemetry traces as part of the arguments and flags for the traced CLI command. OpenTelemetry traces are also saved in BuildKit daemon's history records. This vulnerability does not impact secrets passed to the Github cache backend via environment variables or registry authentication.
Buildx is a Docker CLI plugin that extends build capabilities using BuildKit. Cache backends support credentials by setting secrets directly as attribute values in cache-to/cache-from configuration. When supplied as user input, these secure values may be inadvertently captured in OpenTelemetry traces as part of the arguments and flags for the traced CLI command. OpenTelemetry traces are also saved in BuildKit daemon's history records. This vulnerability does not impact secrets passed to the Github cache backend via environment variables or registry authentication.
Among the 3 debian patches
available in version 0.13.1+ds1-2 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
2 patches
where the metadata indicates that the patch has not yet been forwarded
upstream. You should either forward the patch upstream or update the
metadata to document its real status.
Standards version of the package is outdated.
The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
(Standards-Version 4.7.2 instead of