#!/usr/bin/make -f DOPACKAGES = $(shell dh_listpackages) export PYBUILD_DESTDIR=debian/tmp # Make it easier to build one machines with ansible << 2.10 installed. export ANSIBLE_SKIP_CONFLICT_CHECK=1 %: # dh $@ --with python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_clean: dh_clean \ -X.bak \ -X.md~ \ -X.j2~ \ -X.py~ \ -X.txt~ \ -X.txt.orig \ -X.un~ \ -X.yaml~ \ -X.yml~ override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build dh_auto_build --sourcedir=collections-debian-merged #ifneq (,$(filter ansible-doc,$(DOPACKAGES))) # # html documentation # $(MAKE) webdocs # # manpage documentation # $(MAKE) docs #endif override_dh_auto_test: # For now, disable the tests #make tests-nonet override_dh_python3: dh_python3 --shebang=/usr/bin/python3 execute_after_dh_auto_install: find debian/tmp/ -depth -name '.git*' -exec rm -r {} + find debian/tmp/ -depth -name '.*' -exec rm -r {} + find debian/tmp/ -name '*~' -delete find debian/tmp/ -name '*.bak' -delete find debian/tmp/ -name '*.orig' -delete # NB: Source packages merged in bullseye (Debian 11) # # As a temporary measure, upstream sources ansible-base and ansible have been # merged in bullseye. The get-orig-source target implements this merge. # # The approach here is somewhat inflexible/hacky. It is assumed that it will be # only needed very rarely (as it happens in stable), so it gets the job done # without being too complicated and fancy. PKGDIR = $(abspath $(dir $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/.. BASEVER = $(shell sed -nre 's/ansible-base: ([.0-9]+)/\1/p' $(PKGDIR)/debian/merged.versions) COLLVER = $(shell sed -nre 's/ansible: ([.0-9]+)/\1/p' $(PKGDIR)/debian/merged.versions) RPCKDIR = ansible-$(COLLVER)+merged+dfsg get-orig-source: # Download both tarballs uscan \ --noconf \ --package=ansible \ --upstream-version=$(BASEVER) \ --watchfile=$(PKGDIR)/debian/watch.base \ --copyright-file=$(PKGDIR)/debian/copyright \ --verbose \ --rename \ --destdir=$(CURDIR) \ --check-dirname-level=0 \ --force-download \ --download-version=$(BASEVER) uscan \ --noconf \ --package=ansible-collections \ --upstream-version=$(COLLVER) \ --watchfile=$(PKGDIR)/debian/watch \ --copyright-file=$(PKGDIR)/debian/copyright \ --verbose \ --rename \ --destdir=$(CURDIR) \ --check-dirname-level=0 \ --force-download \ --download-version=$(COLLVER) # Extract both tarballs into the same base dir, with the second # tarball in a subdir mkdir -p $(RPCKDIR)/collections-debian-merged tar -xJf ansible_$(BASEVER)+dfsg.orig.tar.xz \ --strip-components=1 \ -C $(RPCKDIR) tar -xzf ansible-collections_$(COLLVER).orig.tar.gz \ --strip-components=1 \ -C $(RPCKDIR)/collections-debian-merged # Get rid of the old tarballs rm -f ansible_$(BASEVER)+dfsg.orig.tar.xz rm -f ansible-collections_$(COLLVER).orig.tar.gz # Repack the basedir as a single new tarball tar -cJf ansible_$(COLLVER)+merged+base+$(BASEVER)+dfsg.orig.tar.xz --strip-components=1 $(RPCKDIR) rm -rf $(RPCKDIR)