#!/usr/bin/make -f # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr/lib/qt6" \ override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs NEWS override_dh_compress: dh_compress -XStartup.pdf -X.qm execute_before_dh_auto_build: cp -v Startup.pdf debian/orig.Startup.pdf mkdir -pv share/doc/apvlv/translations execute_before_dh_installdocs: mandoc -T pdf apvlv.1 > Startup.pdf execute_after_dh_builddeb: mv -v debian/orig.Startup.pdf Startup.pdf # cmake is a nice way to install this package's files, but it gets a # few things wrong. We run dh_auto_install and then tidy up. Also # see the d/manpages file. execute_after_dh_auto_install: rm -fv debian/apvlv/usr/share/man/apvlv.1