Source: bootstrap-vz Section: admin Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Cloud Team Uploaders: Marcin Kulisz , Tiago Ilieve Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11), dh-python, python-all, python-setuptools, python-sphinx, python-sphinx-rtd-theme Standards-Version: 4.1.3 X-Python-Version: >= 2.7 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: bootstrap-vz Architecture: all Depends: debootstrap, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, fdisk | util-linux (<< 2.29.2-3~), e2fsprogs Recommends: qemu-utils, kpartx, git Suggests: bootstrap-vz-doc, euca2ools, parted, virtualbox-guest-additions-iso, wget, zerofree, puppet (>= 4.8.2-5), ansible, chef, salt-minion Description: tool for creating Debian images for cloud platforms (CLI) It's a software for creating Debian images to run on public or private clouds (Amazon, Google, OpenStack, Eucaliptus, etc). It's using bootstraping as a method for creating images. Images created by this tool are fully operational Debian Images for Cloud. . Provisioning may be also be done with Salt, Puppet, Chef and Ansible. Package: bootstrap-vz-doc Section: doc Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${sphinxdoc:Depends} Description: tool for creating Debian images for cloud platforms (Docs) It's a software for creating Debian images to run on public or private clouds (Amazon, Google, OpenStack, Eucaliptus, etc). It's using bootstraping as a method for creating images. Images created by this tool are fully operational Debian Images for Cloud. . This package contains the HTML documentation.