#!/usr/bin/make -f # help for reproducible build export LANG=C.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 export LC_MESSAGES=C.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE= # building with python3 PYTHON=$(shell py3versions -d) PYTHON_PATH=$(shell command -v $(PYTHON)) SETUP=$(PYTHON) setup.py # build options export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all reproducible=+all # display build commands while CMake build export VERBOSE=1 # Set hash seed to Qt resource compiler output will deterministic one. # See QHash class document on Qt document. export QT_HASH_SEED=0 # Do all test by default TEST_FLAGS = CI_ENV = # This test always hang-up TEST_FLAGS += --exclude-test-name=fts_pool # Piper TTS is not available on Debian yet TEST_FLAGS += --exclude-test-name=piper # Enable all tests while in UNRELEASED ifneq ($(shell dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field=Distribution),UNRELEASED) include debian/buildd-options.mak CI_ENV += CI=true endif %: dh $@ --with=python3 --buildsystem=makefile .PHONY: calibre_auto_test calibre_auto_install blhc-note DEB_DH_GENCONTROL_ARGS = -- -Vpyqt:Version=$(shell dpkg-query -f'$${Version}' -W python3-pyqt6) blhc-note: # # Add false-positive info for blhc(1) check @echo 'blhc: ignore-line-regexp: \tCompiling form /.+\.ui' @echo 'blhc: ignore-line-regexp: .+ -dM -E -o moc_predefs\.h /usr/lib/[^/]+/qt6/mkspecs/features/data/dummy\.cpp' @echo 'blhc: ignore-line-regexp: /usr/lib/qt6/libexec/moc .+\.cpp' override_dh_auto_configure: override_dh_auto_build: blhc-note $(SETUP) build $(SETUP) liberation_fonts --system-liberation_fonts --path-to-liberation_fonts=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation $(SETUP) gui $(SETUP) kakasi # Invoke "calibre_auto_test" target with automatic "HOME" and "XDG_*" variables. override_dh_auto_test: dh_auto_test -O--buildsystem=makefile -- -f debian/calibre-builder.mak test calibre_auto_test: env TZ=UTC $(CI_ENV) $(SETUP) test $(TEST_FLAGS) --exclude-test-name=ajax_book --exclude-test-name=qt env TZ=UTC $(CI_ENV) $(SETUP) test --test-name=ajax_book $(TEST_FLAGS) env TZ=UTC $(CI_ENV) $(SETUP) test --test-name=qt $(TEST_FLAGS) override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install -O--buildsystem=makefile -- -f debian/calibre-builder.mak install calibre_auto_install: mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/applications mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/mime/packages mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions env XDG_DATA_DIRS=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share CALIBRE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY=debian/tmp/config $(SETUP) install --root=debian/tmp/usr # # # not needed rm debian/tmp/usr/share/calibre/calibre-portable.* rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/python*/site-packages/init_calibre.py rmdir debian/tmp/usr/share/desktop-directories # # # do not install developer's script rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/devices/mtp/unix/upstream/update.py rmdir debian/tmp/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/devices/mtp/unix/upstream/ # # Debian package "python3-tinycss" doesn't installs test code rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/calibre/tinycss/tests/*.py rmdir debian/tmp/usr/lib/calibre/tinycss/tests/ # # # Replace "python" to "python3" in shebang find debian/tmp/usr/lib/calibre debian/tmp/usr/share/calibre -name '*.py' -print | xargs --no-run-if-empty sed --separate --file=debian/fix-python-shebang.sed --in-place # # # Remove source path name from pyuic6 outputs find debian/tmp/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2 -name '*_ui.py' -print | xargs --no-run-if-empty sed --separate --file=debian/remove-ui-basepath.sed --in-place override_dh_installman: debian/install-manpages.sh override_dh_auto_clean: $(SETUP) build --clean $(SETUP) liberation_fonts --clean py3clean src/calibre/gui2 $(SETUP) gui --clean $(SETUP) kakasi --clean py3clean setup src override_dh_gencontrol: dh_gencontrol $(DEB_DH_GENCONTROL_ARGS) # No need to touch "calibre-bin". override_dh_python3: dh_python3 --no-package=calibre-bin --shebang=$(PYTHON_PATH)