ciderwebmail (1.05+20240702-1) unstable; urgency=medium * unfuzz patches * depend on libencode-imaputf7-perl * update README.Debian to mention enabling Apache2 module proxy_uwsgi (not discouraged uwsgi); closes: bug#963880, thanks to Nigel Horne -- Jonas Smedegaard Sun, 02 Mar 2025 15:10:41 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05+20221106-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Add generated test database file and localized templates to debian/clean. (Closes: #1044012) -- gregor herrmann Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:51:58 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05+20221106-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * development snapshot + fix bug when throwing an error [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * update git-buildpackage config: + use DEP-14 git branches + enable automatic DEP-14 branch name handling + add usage config * simplify rules; stop build-depend on cdbs dh-buildinfo * use debhelper compatibility level 13 (not 10); build-depend on debhelper-compat (not debhelper) * declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.6.2 * set Rules-Requires-Root: no * simplify source helper tool copyright-check * update copyright info: update coverage -- Jonas Smedegaard Mon, 26 Dec 2022 13:15:47 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05+20191006-2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository, Repository-Browse. * Update standards version to 4.5.0, no changes needed. * Remove constraints unnecessary since stretch: + Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on debhelper. + Remove 1 maintscript entries. * Use secure URI in Homepage field. * Bump debhelper dependency to >= 10, since that's what is used in debian/compat. * Update standards version to 4.5.1, no changes needed. * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster (oldstable): + Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on libmail-imapclient-perl. -- Jelmer Vernooij Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:51:19 +0000 ciderwebmail (1.05+20191006-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * git snapshot + Extend database schema for recent contacts + Add a psgi file + Fix failure to save a sent forwarded message with non-ASCII subject + Also fix breakage with non-ASCII file names + Fix issues with non-ASCII characters in signatures + Set a much lower but configurable default timeout for IMAP reads + Fix issues with saving messages containing multiple non-ASCII characters + Fix error when not logged in + Fix compatibility with up to date Mail::IMAPClient [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * drop patch 2001 disabling call to auto_install during build: seemingly harmless * update DEP-3 patch headers, now referencing corresponding (newly reported) upstream issues * update watch file: + use mode=git + rewrite usage comment * tighten build-dependency on libmail-imapclient-perl * unfuzz patch 1001 -- Jonas Smedegaard Mon, 24 Feb 2020 19:51:24 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-7) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Update standards version to 4.4.1, no changes needed. * Bump debhelper dependency to >= 9, since that's what is used in debian/compat. * Bump debhelper from old 9 to 10. * Set upstream metadata fields: Repository. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * add patch 1003 to fix hardcode use of CBC crypto block mode * simplify rules * add apache2 config snippet and update uwsgi config snippets: + deprecate /etc/ciderwebmail/apache2-uwsgi.conf + tune workers and cheaper + improve explanatory comments + disable ksm by default, and document its use in README.Debian -- Jonas Smedegaard Tue, 11 Feb 2020 11:22:55 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-6) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Marius Gedminas ] * Add missing details to README.Debian. LP: #1798181 [ gregor herrmann ] * Fix autopktest smoke test. - debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-files: add files needed for test - debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-setup: setup language files - debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-env: export CIDERWEBMAIL_HOME * autopkgtest: explicitly skip use.t. Not run currently but it would fail due to missing libdbd-sqlite3-perl. * autopkgtest: enable more of syntax.t by adding an empty debian/tests/pkg-perl/syntax-skip to syntax check all perl modules despite there being Suggests in the package. * debian/copyright: remove stanza about removed mootools. * debian/copyright: use HTTPS for link. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 24 Feb 2019 17:58:29 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Simplify patch 1002, and stop (build-)depend on libmail-rfc822-address-perl. Thanks to Pali Rohár. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 30 Jun 2018 16:40:49 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-4) unstable; urgency=medium [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Update Vcs-* headers for switch to [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Avoid broken module Email::Address: + Add patch 1001 to use Email::Address::XS (not Email::Address), and use Mail::RFC822::Address (not Regexp::Common::Email::Address). + (Build-)depend on libemail-address-xs-perl libmail-rfc822-address-perl (not libemail-address-xs-perl libregexp-common-email-address-perl). Closes: Bug#887535 (CVE-2015-7686). Thanks to Pali Rohár. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.4. * Fix broken uWSGI symlink. Closes: Bug#877279. Thanks to Andreas Beckmann. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 30 Jun 2018 15:42:36 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/watch: fix syntax error and tarball name regexp. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Update watch file: + Fix use project-custom release prefix. + Fix use uversiomangle (not dversionmangle) for prerelease suffix. + Use substitution strings. * Modernize Vcs-* fields: + Consistently use git (not cgit) path. + Consistently include .git suffix in path. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.0. * Update copyright info: + Use https protocol in file format URL. + Extend coverage for myself. * Drop obsolete lintian override regarding debhelper 9. * Tighten lintian overrides regarding License-Reference. * Modernize cdbs: + Do copyright-check in maintainer script (not during build). + Drop get-orig-source target: Use gbp import-orig --uscan. + Relax to build-depend unversioned on cdbs. + Stop build-depend on licensecheck libregexp-assemble-perl libimage-exiftool-perl libfont-ttf-perl. * Update package relations: Relax to (build-)depend unversioned on libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl libcatalyst-perl libcatalyst-plugin-configloader-perl libcatalyst-plugin-static-simple-perl libcatalyst-plugin-stacktrace-perl libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-perl libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap-perl libcatalyst-plugin-session-state-cookie-perl libcatalyst-model-dbic-schema-perl libcatalyst-action-renderview-perl libcatalyst-action-renderview-perl libparse-recdescent-perl libmail-imapclient-perl libhtml-defang-perl: Needed version satisfied even in oldstable. * Improve Apache config snippet to catch URL without trailing slash (unhandled by uWSGI). Closes: Bug#798610. Thanks to James Valleroy. * Symlink Apache config snippet to /etc/apache2/conf-available. Thanks to James Valleroy. * Modernize README.Debian slightly. -- Jonas Smedegaard Thu, 21 Sep 2017 10:39:22 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Mark package as autopkg-testable. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 03 Sep 2016 17:55:57 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05+20150729-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * Git snapshot. + Check template instead of locale folder for supported languages. + Remove more mootoolsisms. + Remove mootools form validation. + Make sure the sending progress dialog is removed after sending. + Remove mootools data validatoin from html template. + Replace JSON.decode from mootools with JSON.parse. + Add html5 input validation and replace CSS for composer. + Fix textarea scrolling in message composing. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Fix avoid license-mine .ico files (unsupported by exiftool - see ). * Modernize git-buildpackage config: + Avoid git- prefix. + Filter any .gitignore file. * Drop patch 1001: Adopted upstream. * Unfuzz patch 1002. * Update copyright info: + Extend coverage of packaging to include recent years. * Use recet licensecheck, and license-miner now shipped with CDBS. + Stop include license-miner locally (shipped with CDBS now). + Tighten to build-depend versioned on cdbs. + Build-depend on licensecheck (not devscripts). -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 03 Sep 2016 16:48:02 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05-6) unstable; urgency=medium [ Axel Beckert ] * debian/copyright: Drop CiderWebmail's Request Tracker from Upstream-Contact. Seems to no more exist. Thanks DUCK! [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8. * Use https protocol in Vcs-Git URL. * Update copyright info: + Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney. * Add lintian override regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9. * Add lintian override regarding debhelper 9. * Update watch file: + Bump file format to version 4. + Track only github source, and refine pattern. + Mangle download filename. + Add usage comment. * Include and use local script license-miner (succeeding * Update package relations: + Build-depend on libfont-ttf-perl. + Stop build-depend on libipc-system-simple-perl lcdf-typetools. -- Jonas Smedegaard Mon, 09 May 2016 15:21:01 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Fix symlink_to_dir call in debian/ciderwebmail.maintscript. + Add a trailing slash to the old-target path. + Bump prior-version. Thanks to Andreas Beckmann for the pointer and patch. (Closes: #774862) -- gregor herrmann Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:19:25 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Handle symlink-to-directory transition of /usr/share/ciderwebmail/root/static/images/mimeicons. Add debian/ciderwebmail.maintscript with the symlink_to_dir instruction, and 'Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}' in debian/control{,.in}. Thanks to Andreas Beckmann for the bug report. (Closes: #774862) -- gregor herrmann Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:00:22 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Add patch 1002 to fix submit button for sending mail. Closes: bug#773207. -- Jonas Smedegaard Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:10:44 +0100 ciderwebmail (1.05-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add patch 1001 to fix resolve supported languages. * Fix strip more upstream install noise. * Fix build-depend on libcatalyst-devel-perl (due to upstream release done without generating embedded code copies below inc/ as required by Catalyst sometimes - e.g. on backports to Wheezy). -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:49:13 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.05-1) unstable; urgency=low [ upstream ] * New release. + Now works when using Courier IMAP server. + Various improvements for the test suite. + Remove Mootools, replace with plain JavaScript. + HTML5 message submission progress bar. + Various html/css/design fixes across all browsers. + Basic managesieve support. + Improve text/html mail rendering support based on HTML::Defang and HTML::Tidy + Add support for Content Security Policy when rendering text/html parts. + New russian, czech and danish translations. [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit web frontend. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Handle new Managesieve support: + Recommend libauthen-sasl-perl, for secure Managesieve connections. + Add managesieve options to Debian-forked configfile. + (Build-)depend on libnet-managesieve-perl. * Improve language support: + Add patch 1001 with danish localization. + Regenerate localized templates during build. + Build-depend on gettext. * Avoid installing unused locale or var files, or empty /usr/bin dir. * Adapt to upstream now using Oxygen icon theme also for mimeicons: + Stop recommend http-icons. + Drop http-icons paragraphs in copyright file. + Update Files paragraph about Oxygen icons in copyright file. + Add TODO about use of separately packaged oxygen-icon-theme. * Replace mootools-more.js (in addition to mootools-core.js) with symlink to separately packaged file. * Unfuzz patch 2001. * Update package relations (in addition to others above): + (Build-)depend on libhtml-defang-perl (not libhtml-scrubber-perl). + (Build-)depend on libjson-xs-perl, libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl, + liblog-dispatch-perl, liblog-dispatch-config-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-log-dispatch-perl. + (Build-) depend on (recent libcatalyst-perl or) libcatalyst-plugin-unicode-encoding-perl (not libcatalyst-plugin-unicode-perl). + Tighten (build-)dependency on libmail-imapclient-perl. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6. * Add alternative git source URLs. * Drop patch 1001, and drop custom cleanup: Danish l10n now upstream. * Resolve localizations during build (don't hardcode). * Suppress .mo files in copyright check. * Extract metadata from images for copyright check (instead of skipping them). Build-depend on libimage-exiftool-perl, libregexp-assemble-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl and lcdf-typetools. * Update and simplify generating l10n files. * Stop recommend or add symlink for mootools: No longer used. * Fix declare $HOME when creating user. Thanks to lintian. * Drop excess files bogusly handled by upstream install routines. Thanks to lintian. * Use tagged releases at Github, and stop track checksum of upstream tarball. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 25 Oct 2014 02:35:27 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.04-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Update copyright info: + Fix revert adding short licensing texts: Wrong to silence lintian warning by inventing licensing statements! + Fix use comment and license pseudo-sections to obey silly restrictions of copyright format 1.0. + Update alternate sources, and add alternate upstream contact. + Fix add License section for LGPL-2.1+. + Extend and improve coverage of images. + Fix indent a license. + Extend coverage of packaging, and bump its licensing to GPL-3+. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8: debhelper 8 is available even in oldstable. * Update package relations: + Add fallback (build-)dependencies on older libcatalyst-modules-perl, to ease backporting. + Relax to recommend (not depend on) libdbd-sqlite3-perl. + Fix stop (build-)depending on libparent-perl: Provided by perl(-modules). + Build-depend on devscripts: Needed for CDBS copyright check. * Fix typo in PSGI file. * Provide nearly-out-of-the-box config for Apache 2 + uWSGI: + Create/remove default db dir in package scripts. + Install uWSGI and Apache snippets below /etc (not as example files). + Improve uWSGI config to run as separate user. + Improve uWSGI config to set HOME and CONFIG paths in PSGI script (not configfile), and list only commented out in uWSGI ini-file. + Tune uWSGI options for better production use. + Rewrite README.Debian to reflect improved setup. * Modernize get-orig-source hints for new ABI. * Have git-import-orig suppress upstream .gitignore file. * Add README.source documenting use of git-buildpackage and CDBS. * Add alternate github URL to watch file. -- Jonas Smedegaard Wed, 21 May 2014 14:24:37 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.04-2) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload [ gregor herrmann ] * Fix spelling error in package description. Thanks to Chad Dunlap for reporting the bug and forwarding the Ubuntu patch. (Closes: #684785) [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git:// [ Damyan Ivanov ] * use canonical Vcs-* URLs in too * replace libcatalyst-modules-perl in (build-)dependencies with individual module packages * drop trailing slash from a directory symlink * do not ship empty /usr/bin * copyright: + point to GPL-1 explicitly + add short licensing texts for Artistic and GPL-1+ * declare conformance with Policy 3.9.5 -- Damyan Ivanov Tue, 20 May 2014 10:20:09 +0300 ciderwebmail (1.04-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Fix depend on libdbd-sqlite3-perl. * Set default config dir in PSGI file. * Pass app arguments in PSGI file. * Reorganize configfile to closer match upstream default file. * Fix add 'send' section to config file, and recommend MTA. * Relax to suggest (not (build-)depend on) libfcgi-perl and libfcgi-procmanager-perl: Used only is example script. * Relax to recommend (not (build-)depend on) libjs-mootools. * Fix Vcs-* URLs to use pkg-perl group (not collab-maint). * Suggest dovecot (with virtual imap-server as fallback) and imapproxy. * Add Dovecot recommendation to long description. * Drop patch 1001: Adopted upstream. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sat, 23 Jun 2012 05:02:02 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.04~20120610-2) unstable; urgency=low * Initial packaging release for unstable. * Fix adjust symlink to mootools. * Fix syntac of PSGI (Catalyst documentation is wrong). * Add README.Debian documenting ways to deploy. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:29:53 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.04~20120610-1) experimental; urgency=low * New snapshot of upstream VCS. + Move common code to CiderWebmail::Test and fix Test::XPath dependency. + Make sure the reply_to array actually contains addresses. + Remove user_settings.sql from the repo and auto create it. + Use ->charset instead of passing charset arguments around. + Fix Perl::Critic warnings. + Output better warnings when unable to convert a string to utf8. + Add user_settings.sql to .gitignore. * Fix adjust symlink to http-icons. * Install default config as example file. * Install update_schema script as example file. * Install configfiles and sample uWSGI/Apache2 integration files. -- Jonas Smedegaard Sun, 10 Jun 2012 20:11:58 +0200 ciderwebmail (1.04~20120607-1) experimental; urgency=low * Initial release. Closes: Bug#673342. -- Jonas Smedegaard Fri, 08 Jun 2012 22:28:26 +0200