Source: cl-asdf-system-connections Section: lisp Priority: optional Maintainer: Dimitri Fontaine Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7) Build-Depends-Indep: dh-lisp Standards-Version: 3.9.6 Homepage: Vcs-Git: git:// Vcs-Browser: Package: cl-asdf-system-connections Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: Allows for ASDF system to be connected so that auto-loading may occur ASDF-System-Connections provides auto-loading of systems that only make sense when several other systems are loaded. If I'm lucky, an example will make this clear! CL-Containers and CL-Variates are separate systems and can therefore be loaded independently. If both of them are loaded, however, then it makes sense to also load code that uses CL-Variates to sample random elements from containers. Rather than requiring you to remember to load that extra system (and to load it only after both Cl-Containers and CL-Variates are loaded), ASDF-System-Connections lets you set things up so that loading happens automatically.