#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), mipsel s390x)) export CXXFLAGS:=$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CXXFLAGS | sed 's/-O[1-9]//') -O0 export CFLAGS:=$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS | sed 's/-O[1-9]//') -O0 endif %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: cp -a src/clustal-omega-config.h src/clustal-omega-config.h~ ifneq (,$(filter mipsel ,$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH))) dh_auto_configure -- --enable-debug --without-openmp else dh_auto_configure endif override_dh_auto_build-indep: # nothing to do here override_dh_auto_test-indep: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) echo "Do not run build time test" endif override_dh_auto_test-arch: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) dh_auto_test -a # Run additional test from python-biopython package to verify that # this will work as well src/clustalo -i debian/tests/biopython_testdata/f002 --guidetree-out temp_test.dnd -o temp_test.aln --outfmt clustal --force rm temp_test.aln temp_test.dnd endif override_dh_auto_install-arch: dh_auto_install -a rm -rf debian/tmp/usr/lib/pkgconfig rm -f debian/tmp/usr/lib/*/libclustalo.la mv debian/tmp/usr/include debian/libclustalo-dev/usr mv debian/tmp/usr/lib debian/libclustalo-dev/usr mv debian/tmp/usr/bin debian/clustalo/usr override_dh_auto_install-indep: # Generate doxygen doc mkdir -p doc doxygen Doxyfile find doc -name "*.md5" -delete override_dh_clean: if [ -e src/clustal-omega-config.h~ ] ; then \ mv src/clustal-omega-config.h~ src/clustal-omega-config.h ; \ fi dh_clean rm -f _configs.sed rm -rf doc