Source: contextfree Section: graphics Priority: optional Maintainer: John Horigan Uploaders: Paul van Tilburg Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), flex (>= 2.6), bison (>=2:3), libpng-dev, libagg2-dev (>= 1:2.6.1), libfl-dev (>= 2.6), libicu-dev (>= 57.1), libavformat-dev (>= 7:4.0), libswscale-dev (>= 7:4.0), libx264-dev (>= 2:0.155), Standards-Version: 4.5.0 Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-git: Rules-Requires-Root: binary-targets Package: contextfree Architecture: any Depends: libagg2 (>= 1:2.6.1), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Description: image generator based on context-free grammars Context Free is a program that produces images based on context-free grammars. These grammars are sets of non-deterministic rules that determine what an image should look like. The resulting images often resemble a mix of spirograph drawings, fractals and abstract art. . Context Free can generate images with millions of shapes, in PNG (up to 100 megapixels) or SVG format. It can also produce animations. Many example images are included.