Source: coyote Section: science Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Astronomy Team Uploaders: Ole Streicher Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 12), gnudatalanguage (>= 0.9.5), openbox, plplot-driver-xwin, python3, xauth, xvfb Standards-Version: 4.3.0 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: gdl-coyote Architecture: all Depends: gnudatalanguage (>= 0.9.5), ${misc:Depends} Description: GDL library from D. Fannings IDL courses The Coyote Library evolved from work David Fanning was doing teaching IDL courses and answering IDL questions on the IDL newsgroup. It is meant to be a well-documented library that demonstrates how to write solid IDL/GDL programs that are easy to maintain and extend. . The main content of the library is the Coyote Graphics System (CGS), a collection of Coyote Library programs that turn the traditional GDL/IDL graphics commands (e.g., Plot, Contour, Surface, TV, etc.) into modern programs. . The most important features of Coyote Graphics System are: . * The commands work identically on the display, in PostScript, and in the Z-graphics buffer. * The commands can be displayed automatically in resizable graphics windows. * The commands automatically create high quality PostScript, PDF, and raster file output. * CGS graphics visualizations can be saved and restore later, or e-mailed to colleagues. * The commands work identically in an indexed or decomposed color environment. * The commands can use colors by name (e.g., "red", "dodger blue"). * CGS commands are faster (often much faster) than the equivalent IDL function graphics commands. * Greek letters and other symbols can be directly embedded in Coyote Graphics text. * The commands fix the most annoying quirks (e.g., contour holes and levels) in traditional IDL commands.