Source: cryptgps Section: ocaml Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian OCaml Maintainers Uploaders: Stéphane Glondu Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), cdbs, ocaml-nox (>= 4), ocaml-findlib (>= 1.4), dh-ocaml (>= 0.9) Standards-Version: 3.8.3 Homepage: Vcs-Git: git:// Vcs-Browser: Package: libcryptgps-ocaml-dev Architecture: any Depends: ocaml-findlib, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${ocaml:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Provides: ${ocaml:Provides} Description: OCaml implementation of symmetric cryptographic algorithms: Blowfish, DES, 3DES This OCaml library implements some well-known symmetric cryptographic algorithms, namely: Blowfish, DES, 3DES. . This package contains all the development stuff needed to use cryptgps in OCaml programs.