#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # For DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk export PYBUILD_NAME=cxxheaderparser %: dh $@ --with python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild # Some targets choke if version.py doesn't exist, and it only gets created if # a .git dir is present create_version_file: echo "# Autogenerated by debian/rules" > cxxheaderparser/version.py echo "__version__ = '$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)'" >> cxxheaderparser/version.py execute_before_dh_auto_configure: create_version_file : # This should be execute_after_dh_auto_build, but that fails because the # module cannot be found. I'll figure that out in the next upload override_dh_installdocs: ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR) \ http_proxy='' \ https_proxy='' \ sphinx-build -b html docs html endif dh_installdocs --package=python-cxxheaderparser-doc --doc-main-package=python3-cxxheaderparser dh_installdocs --remaining-packages execute_before_dh_auto_clean: create_version_file : execute_after_dh_auto_clean: rm -f cxxheaderparser/version.py rm -rf cxxheaderparser.egg-info/ rm -rf html