Source: daps Section: text Priority: optional Maintainer: Filippo Rusconi Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 13.11.4), dh-python, python3, ditaa, epubcheck, remake, fop, jing, dia, optipng, exiftool, libreoffice-draw, asciidoctor, w3m, trang, libsaxon-java, libsaxonb-java, libsaxonhe-java, docbook-xml, docbook5-xml, docbook-xsl, docbook-xsl-ns, ghostscript, imagemagick, inkscape, libxml2-utils, poppler-utils, python3-libxml2, python3-lxml, xml-core, xmlstarlet, xsltproc, docbook-to-man Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Rules-Requires-Root: no Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Package: daps Architecture: all Depends: bzip2, docbook-xml, docbook5-xml, docbook-xsl, docbook-xsl-ns, ditaa, epubcheck, remake, fop, jing, dia, optipng, exiftool, libsaxon-java, libsaxonb-java, libsaxonhe-java, libavalon-framework-java, ghostscript, imagemagick, inkscape, libxml2-utils, libxml-commons-external-java, libxmlgraphics-commons-java, make, remake, poppler-utils, python3, python3-libxml2, python3-lxml, sgml-base, sgml-data, w3m, xml-core, xmlformat-perl, xmlstarlet, xsltproc, asciidoctor, zip, docbook-mathml, libjs-mathjax, fonts-mathjax, fonts-mathjax-extras, libjeuclid-core-java, libjeuclid-fop-java, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Recommends: aspell Suggests: aspell-en, libreoffice-draw, calibre, xfig, trang Description: DocBook Authoring and Publishing Suite (DAPS) DAPS contains a set of stylesheets, scripts and makefiles that enable you to create HTML, PDF, EPUB and other formats from DocBook XML with a single command. It also contains tools to generate profiled source tarballs for distributing your XML sources for translation or review. . DAPS also includes tools that assist you when writing DocBook XML: linkchecker, validator, spellchecker, editor macros and stylesheets for converting DocBook XML.