Source: debcraft Section: misc Priority: optional Maintainer: Otto Kekäläinen Build-Depends: codespell , debhelper-compat (= 13), git-buildpackage , help2man, podman | , shellcheck , Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: debcraft Architecture: all Depends: podman |, ${misc:Depends}, Description: Easy, fast and secure way to build Debian packages Debcraft is a tool to build Debian packages as easily as possible. It uses Podman/Docker to automatically create a hermetic network-less build container based on the distribution defined in the source package debian/changelog with the dependencies defined in debian/control. Users don't need to manually create nor update root filesystems. If there is no source package, Debcraft will even automatically download it. . Thanks to efficient caching rebuilds are blazing fast, and additional logs make it easy to see what changed in the end result between each build. . The tool is fully written in Bash, so reasoning about how it works is easy. It does not even need to run on Debian as all builds happen inside containers.