dh-clojure (0.2.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Unify naming and environment variable values: dhclj -> dh-clj, dh_clojure -> deb_dh_clj, etc. Use dh[-_]clj everywhere and a deb_ prefix for "global" names, e.g. environment variables. Use "true" for all boolean environment variables (e.g. including DEB_DH_CLJ_INSTALL_TEST_JAR). * Rework to support project adjustment before/after plugin resolution. Since Debian might not package some of the plugins, or might package versions that differ from those specified in project.clj, we need to be able to drop or adjust the plugins before leiningen attempts to find them. Call dh-clj-adjust-project with a new :before-plugins or :after-middleware argument at the relevant points in the build. See dh-clojure-lein(8) for further information. * Send all diagnostics to stderr. Otherwise our own diagnostic output can interfere with lein invocations producing desired information on stdout. * dh-clojure-lein(7): note that clients shold only rely on client ns. * Add debian.dh-clojure-lein.client/get-dep. * Move lein information from README to dh-clojure-lein(7) and expand. * Move "applying defaults" message to from info to debug. -- Rob Browning Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:35:05 -0600 dh-clojure (0.1.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Jérôme Charaoui ] * dh-clojure-lein(7): fix example code. [ Rob Browning ] * Adjust debian/changelog for UNRELEASED 0.1.1 development * dh-clojure-lein(7): adjust project handling in examples * leiningen::get_project: produce lein stdout on stderr for failures. Stacktraces end up there. * dh-clojure-lein(7): add some debugging suggestions * create-test-maven-repo: remove any installed dh-clojure-lein. Otherwise, the existing symlink will block installation of the new version. -- Rob Browning Mon, 09 Dec 2024 15:31:26 -0600 dh-clojure (0.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Switch dh-clojure-lein project handling from custom mini-language to "just clojure" after realizing that we need conditionals (e.g. profile-dependent behavior). Thanks to Jérôme Charaoui and Louis-Philippe Véronneau for help with the requirements and design. -- Rob Browning Sun, 06 Oct 2024 14:19:44 -0500 dh-clojure (0.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Provide first version for evaluation. -- Rob Browning Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:16:04 -0500