#!/usr/bin/make -f #export DH_VERBOSE=1 include /usr/share/java/java_defaults.mk export JAVA_COMPAT_LEVEL=$(java_compat_level) export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS = -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="" \ -DDICOMSCOPE_INSTALL_LIB_DIR:STRING=lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/jni %: dh $@ --buildsystem=cmake --with javahelper override_dh_auto_configure-arch: dh_auto_configure -- $(CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS) override_dh_fixperms: dh_fixperms find debian -name "dcmps*.tcl" -exec chmod +x \{\} \; override_dh_clean: dh_clean find DICOMscope -name *.class -delete override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.pdf override_dh_missing-indep: dh_missing --list-missing VER_MAJOR = 3 VER_MINOR = 6 VER_PATCH = 0 VER_FULL = $(VER_MAJOR).$(VER_MINOR).$(VER_PATCH) VER_FULL_UPSTREAM = $(VER_MAJOR)$(VER_MINOR)$(VER_PATCH) UPSTREAM_SRC = dsgui$(VER_FULL_UPSTREAM) DEBIAN_SRC_DIR = dicomscope-$(VER_FULL) DEBIAN_SRC_TAR = dicomscope_$(VER_FULL).orig.tar.gz $(UPSTREAM_SRC).zip: wget -c ftp://dicom.offis.de/pub/dicom/offis/software/dscope/dscope$(VER_FULL_UPSTREAM)/$@ get-orig-source: $(UPSTREAM_SRC).zip rm -rf $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) unzip -q $(UPSTREAM_SRC).zip -d $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) # Need tofrodos in order to prepare the patch, since quilt # does not support mixture of dos/unix EOL find $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) -name *.java -exec dos2unix {} \; find $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) -name *.html -exec dos2unix {} \; find $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) -name *.h -exec dos2unix {} \; find $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) -name *.cpp -exec dos2unix {} \; find $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) -name *.txt -exec dos2unix {} \; find $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) -name *.MF -exec dos2unix {} \; GZIP="--best --no-name" tar czf $(DEBIAN_SRC_TAR) $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) rm -rf $(DEBIAN_SRC_DIR) rm $(UPSTREAM_SRC).zip # # put orig.tar in ../tarballs (-> default location for svn-buildpackage) mkdir -p ../tarballs mv *.orig.tar.gz ../tarballs