#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- export PYBUILD_NAME=dipy PACKAGE3_NAME = python3-$(PYBUILD_NAME) PACKAGE3_ROOT_DIR = debian/${PACKAGE3_NAME} INSTALL_PATH = $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp ifeq (,$(findstring get-orig-source, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) export http_proxy= endif # default Python PY3VERS = $(shell py3versions -vr) PY3VER = $(shell py3versions -vd) include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk MIN_CYTHONVER = 0.25.1 BUILD_DATE := "$(date --utc --date="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:-$(date +%s)}" +%B %d, %Y)" SPHINXOPTS := -D today=\"$(BUILD_DATE)\" %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild --with python3 override_dh_auto_clean: dh_auto_clean || true rm -rf .pybuild __pycache__ override_dh_auto_test: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) : # Do not test just after build, lets install and then test endif override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build echo "backend : Agg" >| build/matplotlibrc override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install : # Prune duplicate LICENSE file find debian/ -name LICENSE -delete : # Only now lets build docs ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) export PYTHONPATH=$(shell pybuild --print build_dir --interpreter python3) \ MPLCONFIGDIR=$(CURDIR)/build HOME=$(CURDIR)/build; \ cd doc; $(MAKE) html-after-examples SPHINXOPTS="$(SPHINXOPTS)" -rm doc/_build/html/_static/jquery.js -rm -r doc/_build/html/_sources : # objects inventory is of no use for the package -rm doc/_build/html/objects.inv endif # Run tests later on # cd build to prevent use of local/not-built source tree ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) set -x ; \ export http_proxy= ; \ export https_proxy= ; \ for PYTHON in $(PY3VERS); do \ export PYTHONPATH=$$(pybuild --print build_dir --interpreter python$$PYTHON); \ echo "I: Running Dipy unittests using $$PYTHON"; \ cd build; \ PATH=$(INSTALL_PATH)/usr/bin:$$PATH \ HOME=/tmp \ MPLCONFIGDIR=/tmp/ xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1280x1024x24 -noreset" \ python$$PYTHON /usr/bin/nosetests3 -sv --exclude 'test_(peaksFromModelParallel|fetcher)' dipy; \ cd .. ; \ done endif ## move .so libraries into -lib package, and call dh_numpy* ## while removing 2 if not present _dh_python%: set -e \ ; test -d debian/$(PACKAGE$*_NAME)/usr/lib || exit 0 \ ; for lib in $$(find debian/$(PACKAGE$*_NAME)/usr/lib -name "*.so") \ ; do sdir=$$(dirname $$lib) \ ; tdir=debian/$(PACKAGE$*_NAME)-lib/$${sdir#*$(PACKAGE$*_NAME)/} \ ; mkdir -p "$${tdir}" \ ; mv -v "$${lib}" "$${tdir}" \ ; done [ -e /usr/bin/dh_numpy$(*:2=) ] && dh_numpy$(*:2=) -p$(PACKAGE$*_NAME)-lib || : dh_python$* ## "Instantiate" both rules so dh sees them override_dh_python3: _dh_python3 ## immediately useable documentation ## and exemplar data (they are small excerpts anyway) override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.py -X.html -X.css -X.jpg -X.txt -X.js -X.json -X.rtc -X.par -X.bin -Xobjects.inv override_dh_clean: : # I: Custom cleaning rm -rf build doc-stamp $(MAKE) -C doc clean dh_clean inject-doc-examples: mkdir -p doc-examples tar -C doc-examples --strip-components 1 \ -xzvf ../tarballs/$(DEB_SOURCE)_$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM).orig-doc-examples.tar.gz