Source: djview4 Section: graphics Priority: optional Maintainer: Barak A. Pearlmutter Uploaders: Leon Bottou Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), pkg-config, gawk | awk, libdjvulibre-dev (>= 3.5.20), x11proto-core-dev, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxt-dev, libglib2.0-dev, qtbase5-dev, qt5-qmake, libqt5opengl5-dev, qttools5-dev-tools, libtiff-dev, netpbm, librsvg2-bin, imagemagick Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Standards-Version: 4.5.0 Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: djview4 Architecture: any Provides: djvu-viewer Conflicts: djview (<= 3.5.20-5) Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, sensible-utils Recommends: djvulibre-desktop Suggests: djvulibre-bin Description: Viewer for the DjVu image format The DjVu viewer djview4 (aka djview) is a simple multi-page viewer for DjVu-format documents. It can display, print, and save, and when supported by the document, search for text, copy text to the clipboard, follow links, etc.