Source: drgeo-doc Section: doc Priority: optional Maintainer: Francisco Manuel Garcia Claramonte Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 9.0.0) Standards-Version: 3.9.3 Homepage: Package: drgeo-doc Architecture: all Recommends: drgeo Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, iceweasel | www-browser | x-www-browser Description: Dr. Geo online user manual Install this package if you want the on-line help for the Dr. Geo software. The on-line help can be used directly from Dr. Geo. However you may need to instruct Dr. Geo about your preferred browser from the Edit->Preferences menu. . The documentation comes in Dutch, English, French, Italian & Spanish. . Dr. Geo is an interactive geometry software. More information about Dr. Geo can be found at its web site