#!/usr/bin/make -f ARCH=$(shell dpkg-architecture -q DEB_HOST_ARCH) %: dh $@ # The license terms don't allow the distribution of modified binaries, # so stripping is out of the question. override_dh_strip: override_dh_install-arch: debian/dwarf-fortress.install dh_install override_dh_install-indep: dh_install # The data directory contains some empty directories. There is no point in installing them. find debian/dwarf-fortress-data/usr/share/games/dwarf-fortress/gamedata/ -type d -empty -delete # The license text of the embedded font copy is not needed, as we replace it with a Debian # version of the font via dh_link rm -v 'debian/dwarf-fortress-data/usr/share/games/dwarf-fortress/gamedata/data/art/font license.txt' # The information from these files has been incorporated into debian/copyright and having # documentation in data directories is generally not very useful rm -v debian/dwarf-fortress-data/usr/share/games/dwarf-fortress/gamedata/data/readme.txt rm -v debian/dwarf-fortress-data/usr/share/games/dwarf-fortress/gamedata/raw/readme.txt override_dh_installdocs-arch: debian/dwarf-fortress.docs dh_installdocs override_dh_installman-arch: debian/dwarf-fortress.6 dh_installman override_dh_clean: rm -vf debian/dwarf-fortress.install rm -vf debian/dwarf-fortress.docs rm -vf debian/dwarf-fortress.6 dh_clean debian/dwarf-fortress.install: sed -e "s/#ARCH#/${ARCH}/" debian/dwarf-fortress.install.in > debian/dwarf-fortress.install debian/dwarf-fortress.docs: sed -e "s/#ARCH#/${ARCH}/" debian/dwarf-fortress.docs.in > debian/dwarf-fortress.docs debian/%.6: debian/%.6.md pandoc --verbose -s -f markdown -t man "$<" > "$@"