Source: eclipse-platform-ui Section: java Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers Uploaders: Emmanuel Bourg Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), default-jdk (>= 2:1.11), eclipse-debian-helper (>= 1.7), libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libcommons-jxpath-java, libeclipse-core-commands-java, libeclipse-core-contenttype-java, libeclipse-core-expressions-java (>= 3.7), libeclipse-core-filesystem-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-net-java, libeclipse-core-resources-java (>= 3.18), libeclipse-core-runtime-java (>= 3.17), libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java (>= 1.7.0), libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-supplier-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-xmi-java, libeclipse-help-java, libeclipse-jface-text-java, libeclipse-osgi-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libequinox-app-java, libequinox-bidi-java, libequinox-common-java (>= 3.13), libequinox-p2-engine-java, libequinox-p2-metadata-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libgeronimo-annotation-1.3-spec-java, libgeronimo-osgi-support-java, libicu4j-java, libjaxb-java, libjna-platform-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.9), libxml-commons-external-java, libeclipse-ltk-core-refactoring-java, libeclipse-ltk-ui-refactoring-java Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Package: libeclipse-core-commands-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends} Description: Eclipse Commands The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.core.commands bundle. Package: libeclipse-core-databinding-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libicu4j-java, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse JFace Data Binding The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.core.databinding bundle. Package: libeclipse-core-databinding-beans-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse JFace Data Binding for JavaBeans The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.core.databinding.beans bundle. Package: libeclipse-core-databinding-observable-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse JFace Data Binding Observables The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable bundle. Package: libeclipse-core-databinding-property-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends} Description: Eclipse JFace Data Binding Properties The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-core-commands-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-expressions-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse e4 core commands The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.core.commands bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-emf-xpath-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse EMF XPath The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.emf.xpath bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-bindings-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3) Description: Eclipse Bindings Support The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-css-core-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-registry-java, libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse CSS Core Support The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-css-swt-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3), libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse CSS SWT Support The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-css-swt-theme-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3), libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse CSS SWT Theme Support The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-di-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-supplier-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java Description: Eclipse UI Dependency Injection The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.di bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-dialogs-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3) Description: Eclipse e4 dialogs The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-ide-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-resources-java, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse e4 IDE UI The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.ide bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-model-workbench-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-common-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-java, libequinox-common-java Description: Eclipse Workbench Model The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.workbench bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-progress-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-commands-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse e4 Progress View The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.progress bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-services-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse UI Application Services The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-swt-gtk-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3) Description: Eclipse UI GTK Enhancements The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.swt.gtk bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-widgets-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3) Description: Eclipse UI Custom widgets The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.widgets bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-commands-java, libeclipse-core-expressions-java (>= 3.7), libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-common-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-xmi-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libgeronimo-annotation-1.3-spec-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.9) Description: Eclipse e4 Workbench The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench3-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-registry-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Bundle for Workbench APIs available in e4 The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench3 bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-addons-swt-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-common-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libequinox-common-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse e4 Workbench Add-ons The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.swt bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-renderers-swt-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-common-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libequinox-common-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse e4 Workbench SWT Renderer The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt bundle. Package: libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-swt-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java (>= 1.7.0), libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-common-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libequinox-common-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse e4 Workbench SWT The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt bundle. Package: libeclipse-jface-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libequinox-bidi-java, libequinox-common-java (>= 3.13), libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3) Description: Eclipse JFace The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.jface bundle. Package: libeclipse-jface-databinding-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libequinox-common-java, libswt-gtk-4-java (>= 4.7.3) Description: Eclipse JFace Data Binding for SWT and JFace The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.jface.databinding bundle. Package: libeclipse-jface-notifications-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-commands-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse JFace Notification API The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.jface.notifications bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java (>= 3.17), libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse UI The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-browser-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-commands-java, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse Browser Support The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.browser bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-forms-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-registry-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java, libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse UI forms The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.forms bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-ide-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-commands-java, libeclipse-core-contenttype-java, libeclipse-core-expressions-java, libeclipse-core-filesystem-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-resources-java (>= 3.18), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-help-java, libeclipse-jface-text-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libeclipse-text-java, libequinox-app-java, libequinox-bidi-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-p2-engine-java, libequinox-p2-metadata-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libgeronimo-annotation-1.3-spec-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse IDE UI The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.ide bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-ide-application-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-filesystem-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-net-java, libeclipse-core-resources-java, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libequinox-app-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse IDE UI Application The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.ide.application bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-navigator-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-expressions-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-jface-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse Common Navigator View The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.navigator bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-monitoring-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-jface-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse UI Responsiveness Monitoring The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.monitoring bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-views-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-help-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-registry-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse Views The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.views bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-views-properties-tabbed-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-registry-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java, libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse Tabbed Properties View The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-workbench-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libatinject-jsr330-api-java, libeclipse-core-contenttype-java, libeclipse-core-expressions-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-java, libeclipse-e4-core-di-java, libeclipse-e4-core-services-java, libeclipse-emf-common-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-java, libeclipse-emf-ecore-xmi-java, libeclipse-help-java, libeclipse-jface-text-java, libeclipse-osgi-services-java, libequinox-app-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libgeronimo-annotation-1.3-spec-java, libicu4j-java, libswt-gtk-4-java, libxml-commons-external-java Description: Eclipse Workbench The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.workbench bundle. Package: libeclipse-urischeme-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-preferences-java, libequinox-registry-java, libjna-platform-java Description: Eclipse URI Scheme Handling The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.urischeme bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-themes-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends} Description: Eclipse SDK Themes The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.themes bundle. Package: libeclipse-ui-navigator-resources-java Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${bundle:Depends}, libeclipse-core-expressions-java, libeclipse-core-jobs-java (>= 3.13), libeclipse-core-resources-java, libeclipse-core-runtime-java, libeclipse-ltk-core-refactoring-java, libeclipse-ltk-ui-refactoring-java, libequinox-common-java, libequinox-registry-java, libswt-gtk-4-java Description: Eclipse Navigator Workbench Components The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP). . This package contains the org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources bundle.