Source: emacs-format-all-the-code Section: editors Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Emacsen team Uploaders: Roland Mas Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-elpa Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: elpa-format-all Architecture: all Depends: ${elpa:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Recommends: emacs Enhances: emacs Description: Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 50 other languages Lets you auto-format source code in many languages using the same command for all languages, instead of learning a different Emacs package and formatting command for each language. . Just do M-x format-all-buffer and it will try its best to do the right thing. To auto-format code on save, use the minor mode format-all-mode. Please see the documentation for that function for instructions. . Supported languages: . - Angular/Vue (prettier) - Assembly (asmfmt) - ATS (atsfmt) - Awk (gawk) - Bazel Starlark (buildifier) - BibTeX (Emacs) - C/C++/Objective-C (clang-format, astyle) - C# (clang-format, astyle) - Cabal (cabal-fmt) - Clojure/ClojureScript (node-cljfmt) - CMake (cmake-format) - Crystal (crystal tool format) - CSS/Less/SCSS (prettier) - D (dfmt) - Dart (dartfmt) - Dhall (dhall format) - Dockerfile (dockfmt) - Elixir (mix format) - Elm (elm-format) - Emacs Lisp (Emacs) - Fish Shell (fish_indent) - Fortran 90 (fprettify) - Gleam (gleam format) - GLSL (clang-format) - Go (gofmt, goimports) - GraphQL (prettier) - Haskell (brittany, fourmolu, hindent, ormolu, stylish-haskell) - HTML/XHTML/XML (tidy) - Java (clang-format, astyle) - JavaScript/JSON/JSX (prettier, standard) - Jsonnet (jsonnetfmt) - Kotlin (ktlint) - LaTeX (latexindent, auctex) - Ledger (ledger-mode) - Lua (lua-fmt, prettier plugin) - Markdown (prettier) - Nix (nixpkgs-fmt, nixfmt) - OCaml (ocp-indent) - Perl (perltidy) - PHP (prettier plugin) - Protocol Buffers (clang-format) - PureScript (purty) - Python (black, yapf) - R (styler) - Reason (bsrefmt) - ReScript (rescript) - Ruby (rubocop, rufo, standardrb) - Rust (rustfmt) - Scala (scalafmt) - Shell script (beautysh, shfmt) - Snakemake (snakefmt) - Solidity (prettier plugin) - SQL (pgformatter, sqlformat) - Svelte (prettier plugin) - Swift (swiftformat) - Terraform (terraform fmt) - TOML (prettier plugin) - TypeScript/TSX (prettier) - V (v fmt) - Verilog (iStyle) - YAML (prettier) . You will need to install external programs to do the formatting. If `format-all-buffer` can't find the right program, it will try to tell you how to install it. . Many of the external formatters support configuration files in the source code directory to control their formatting. Please see the documentation for each formatter. . New external formatters can be added easily if they can read code from standard input and format it to standard output. Feel free to submit a pull request or ask for help in GitHub issues.