#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # This file is licensed under the terms of the Gnu Public License. # With the one additional provision that Ian Jackson's name may not be # removed from the file. # Copyright 1994,1995 Ian Jackson # Copyright 2004-2005 Jérôme Marant # Copyright 1998-2018 Rob Browning # Originally copied from the GNU Hello Debian rules file (1.3). # Modified for emacs by Mark Eichin . # Debhelper support added via one of Joey Hess' example files. # See the debian/changelog for further historical information. include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 SHELL := /bin/bash pf := set -o pipefail # Emacs 28+ reads the version from org.el, which we don't have. org_version := 9.5 # Must match emacs24{,-lucid,-nox} packages bin_priority := 28 # For now we assume that emacs' versioning scheme is always # MAJOR.MINORtinyrev where MAJOR and MINOR are integers and tinyrev is # an optional lowercase letter (or letters). We also assume that # upstream uses a numbering scheme that sorts in a "Debian friendly" # way. So far that's always been true. If it becomes false, some of # the values below will have to be set manually. # From /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk src_name := $(DEB_SOURCE) debian_ver := $(DEB_VERSION) major_ver := $(shell echo $(debian_ver) | sed 's/\..*//') # Everything before the last '-' (21.3, 21.3a, 21.3+1, etc.) debsrc_ver := $(shell echo $(debian_ver) | sed 's/-[^-]\+$$//') # Everything before the last '-' minus epoch deborig_ver := $(shell echo $(debsrc_ver) | sed 's/^[0-9]\+://') # Everything before the last '+' (21.2, 21.3a, etc.) minus epoch upstream_ver := $(shell echo $(deborig_ver) | sed 's/+[^+]\+$$//') # 20.5, not 20.5a (used in load-path, etc.) runtime_ver := $(shell echo $(upstream_ver) | sed 's/[^0-9]\+$$//') # These files must always exist, i.e. can't ever be cleaned. persistent_autogen_install_files := debian/copyright transient_autogen_install_files := \ debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.README.Debian \ debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.lintian-overrides autogen_install_files := \ $(persistent_autogen_install_files) $(transient_autogen_install_files) autogen_installdeb_files := debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.postinst pkgdir_common := $(CURDIR)/debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg etc_dir := /usr/share/emacs/$(runtime_ver)/etc etc_files := DEVEL.HUMOR JOKES deb_patches := $(addprefix debian/patches/,$(shell cat debian/patches/series)) %: dh $@ # For now, assumes there are no "|" characters in the expansions. debian/autogen.sed: debian/rules debian/changelog echo 's|@MAJOR_VERSION@|$(major_ver)|g' >> '$@.tmp' echo 's|@PACKAGE_VERSION@|$(debian_ver)|g' >> '$@.tmp' echo 's|@UPSTREAM_VERSION@|$(upstream_ver)|g' >> '$@.tmp' echo 's|@DEBSRC_VERSION@|$(debsrc_ver)|g' >> '$@.tmp' echo 's|@DEBORIG_VERSION@|$(deborig_ver)|g' >> '$@.tmp' mv '$@.tmp' '$@' .PHONY: debian-sync debian-sync: $(persistent_autogen_install_files) # so dh pattern rule doesn't try to handle this target true debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.README.Debian: \ debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.README.Debian.in \ debian/patches/*.patch $(deb_patches) \ debian/rules debian/patch-to-news perl -p \ -e 's|^\@DEBIAN_NEWS\@\n|`debian/patch-to-news $(deb_patches)`|e' \ debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.README.Debian.in > "$@.tmp" mv "$@.tmp" "$@" debian/%: debian/%.in debian/autogen.sed sed -f debian/autogen.sed "$<" > "$@.tmp" mv "$@.tmp" "$@" debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.postinst: shopt -s nullglob; \ DEB_ALT_PRIORITY='$(bin_priority)' \ DEB_INFO_SUBDIR=emacs \ debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.postinst.gen \ info/*.info info/*.info-[0-9] info/*.info-[0-9][0-9] \ > '$@.tmp' mv '$@.tmp' '$@' doc/%/Makefile: doc/%/Makefile.in debian/rules sed \ -e "s|@top_srcdir@|$(CURDIR)|g" \ -e "s|@SHELL@|/bin/bash|g" \ -e "s|@srcdir@|.|g" \ -e "s|@MAKEINFO@|makeinfo|g" \ -e "s|@MKDIR_P@|mkdir -p|g" \ -e "s|@INFO_OPTS@|--no-split|g" \ -e "s|@INFO_EXT@|.info|g" "$<" > "$@.tmp" mv "$@.tmp" "$@" doc/emacs/emacsver.texi: doc/emacs/emacsver.texi.in sed -e 's|@version@|$(upstream_ver)|g' "$^" > "$@" doc_makefiles := \ doc/emacs/Makefile \ doc/lispintro/Makefile \ doc/lispref/Makefile \ doc/misc/Makefile override_dh_auto_configure: $(doc_makefiles) doc/emacs/emacsver.texi # This target just supports parallel builds .PHONY: debian/stamp/doc-% debian/stamp/doc-%: $(doc_makefiles) $(MAKE) -C $(dir $(patsubst debian/stamp/doc-%,%,$@)) # Only needed because parallel seems to be disabled in auto_build otherwise ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) parallel := $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) else parallel := 1 endif override_dh_auto_build: $(doc_makefiles) rm -rf info && install -d info DEB_EMACS_BUILD_ORG_DOC_VERSION=$(org_version) \ $(MAKE) -j$(parallel) \ -f debian/rules $(foreach m,$(doc_makefiles),debian/stamp/doc-$(m)) override_dh_auto_install: ; true pkg_infodir := $(pkgdir_common)/usr/share/info/emacs override_dh_install: $(autogen_install_files) install -d $(pkg_infodir) test -e info/emacs.info shopt -s nullglob; \ cp -a info/*.info info/*.info-[0-9] info/*.info-[0-9][0-9] \ $(pkg_infodir) install -d $(pkgdir_common)/$(etc_dir)/schema install --mode 0644 $(addprefix etc/,$(etc_files)) \ $(pkgdir_common)/$(etc_dir) install --mode 0644 etc/schema/* \ $(pkgdir_common)/$(etc_dir)/schema dh_install override_dh_testdir: dh_testdir \ debian/emacs-common-non-dfsg.README.Debian.in \ doc/emacs/emacs.texi override_dh_clean: $(persistent_autogen_install_files) rm -f \ doc/emacs/emacsver.texi \ doc/misc/modus-themes.texi \ doc/misc/org.texi rm -rf \ debian/*.tmp \ doc/emacs/Makefile \ doc/lispintro/Makefile \ doc/lispref/Makefile \ doc/misc/Makefile \ info \ debian/stamp rm -f \ $(autogen_installdeb_files) \ $(doc_makefiles) \ $(transient_autogen_install_files) \ debian/autogen.sed dh_clean override_dh_installdeb: $(autogen_installdeb_files) dh_installdeb