#!/usr/bin/make -f # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # GNU copyright 1997 to 1999 by Joey Hess. # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 # This is the debhelper compatability version to use. package = iesperanto apackage = aspell-eo apackage_cx = aspell-eo-cx7 ISPELLDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${package}/usr/lib/ispell ISPELLVARDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${package}/var/lib/ispell ISPELLSHAREDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${package}/usr/share/ispell ISPELLOVRDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${package}/usr/share/lintian/overrides ASPELLDATADIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${apackage}/usr/lib/aspell ASPELLSHAREDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${apackage}/usr/share/aspell ASPELLOVRDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${apackage}/usr/share/lintian/overrides ASPELLVARDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/${apackage}/var/lib/aspell ASPELL6BASENAME = aspell6-eo ASPELL6DIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(ASPELL6BASENAME) ASPELLPROC = /usr/share/aspell-lang/proc # Location of proc script ASPELLDATA = eo.dat eo.multi TMP_BUILD = ooo-tmp MUNCHED_WORDS = kerno.txt \ komputo.txt \ etnoland.txt \ kancero.txt \ movado.txt \ personoj.txt # Make sure build is always done in a reproducible and working # language environment LC_ALL = C export LC_ALL include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make configure: configure-stamp configure-stamp: dh_testdir # Add here commands to configure the package. touch $@ build: build-arch build-indep build-arch: build-stamp build-indep: build-stamp build-stamp: $(QUILT_STAMPFN) configure-stamp dh_testdir mkdir -p $(TMP_BUILD) cp README debian/README.ispell cp legumin.l3 debian/legumin.l3.ispell cat $(MUNCHED_WORDS) | sort -uf > kune.txt gzip -9n -c kune.txt > $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto.mwl.gz cp eo.aff $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto.aff # Create ispell latin3 munched wordlist and affix file sed -f debian/cx2latin3.sed kune.txt > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.wl sed -f debian/cx2latin3.sed eo.aff > eo-latin3.aff # Create myspell latin3 munched wordlist and affix file ( echo `cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.wl | wc -l`; cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.wl ) > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.dic ispellaff2myspell --charset=latin3 --myheader=debian/eo_ALL.header eo-latin3.aff > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff # Copy aspell affix file with preferred name and prepare .cwl cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.wl | prezip -s -c | gzip -9n -c > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.cwl.gz cp $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff $(TMP_BUILD)/eo_affix.dat install -m 0644 debian/aspell/eo.dat debian/aspell/eo.multi $(TMP_BUILD) # Build stuff for aspell cx pseudocharset buildhash kune.txt eo.aff eo.hash cat kune.txt | ispell -d ./eo -e | tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort -u > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-cx.wl cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-cx.wl | grep -v -e "-'$$" | prezip -s -c | gzip -9n -c > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-cx.cwl.gz install -m 0644 debian/aspell/eo-cx.dat debian/aspell/eo-cx.multi $(TMP_BUILD) unmunch $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.dic $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff \ | iconv -f latin3 -t utf-8 \ | sed -f debian/cx2utf8.sed > $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto touch $@ aspelltgz: clean build mkdir -p $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/aspell/Copyright $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/aspell/info $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/aspell/eo.dat $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/README.ispell debian/legumin.l3.ispell $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/README.aspell $(ASPELL6DIR)/README install -m 644 eo.aff.myspell $(ASPELL6DIR)/eo_affix.dat cat eo.dic | sed 1d | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u | \ aspell --local-data-dir=$(ASPELL6DIR) --lang=eo clean > $(ASPELL6DIR)/eo.wl ( cd $(ASPELL6DIR) && \ ln -sf $(ASPELLPROC) proc && \ perl proc && \ ./configure && \ make dist ) mv $(ASPELL6DIR)/$(ASPELL6BASENAME)*.tar.bz2 .. clean: clean-patched unpatch clean-patched: dh_testdir dh_testroot rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp # Add here commands to clean up after the build process. rm -f eo.hash kune.txt kune.txt.cnt kune.txt.stat rm -f eo-latin3.aff rm -f debian/legumin.l3.ispell debian/README.ispell rm -rf $(TMP_BUILD) if [ -d $(ASPELL6DIR) ]; then \ rm $(ASPELL6DIR)/* && rmdir $(ASPELL6DIR); fi dh_clean install: build dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_prep dh_installdirs # Add here commands to install the package into debian/${package}. installdeb-ispell -piesperanto installdeb-myspell --srcdir=$(TMP_BUILD) -pmyspell-eo installdeb-hunspell -pmyspell-eo installdeb-aspell -p$(apackage) installdeb-aspell -p$(apackage_cx) # Build architecture-independent files here. binary-indep: build install dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_installdocs dh_installexamples dh_installmenu dh_install --sourcedir=$(TMP_BUILD) # dh_installman # dh_undocumented dh_installchangelogs dh_link dh_strip dh_compress dh_fixperms # dh_makeshlibs dh_installdeb # dh_perl dh_shlibdeps dh_gencontrol dh_md5sums dh_builddeb # Build architecture-dependent files here. binary-arch: build install binary: binary-indep binary-arch .PHONY: build clean clean-patched binary-indep binary-arch binary install patch unpatch configure