#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 # Variant to build for the package, # EO_VARIANT=eo strict # EO_VARIANT=esperanto sloppy EO_VARIANT=eo # Make sure build is always done in a reproducible and working # language environment LC_ALL = C export LC_ALL # Useful only to build aspell official dir ASPELL6BASENAME = aspell6-eo ASPELL6DIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(ASPELL6BASENAME) ASPELLPROC = /usr/share/aspell-lang/proc # Location of proc script TMP_BUILD = tmp-build %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_build: mkdir -p $(TMP_BUILD) make $(EO_VARIANT) # ispell stuff cp work/$(EO_VARIANT).aff $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto.aff gzip -9n -c work/$(EO_VARIANT).asc > $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto.mwl.gz # --------- myspell stuff for aspell benefit ------- sed -f debian/hat2latin3.sed $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto.aff > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-ispell-l3.aff # Prefix used non-alphabetic flags by '\' to be later handled # by -e "\\\\" option to ispellaff2myspell. # "\" flag is not supported by aspell (triggers error) and so, # is replaced by "!" in .aff and .dic files. sed -i -e 's/\\\\/\\!/g' \ -e 's/_:/\\_:/g' \ -e 's/`:/\\`/g' \ -e 's/\^:/\\\^:/g' $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-ispell-l3.aff perl debian/process-eo-dic.pl < work/$(EO_VARIANT).asc \ > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-latin3.wl # header is utf8, but is simpler to convert affix file in # latin3 and later recode to utf8 and append to header. ispellaff2myspell --charset=latin3 \ -e "\\\\" \ --myheader=debian/eo_ALL.header \ --replacements=debian/eo_ALL.replaces \ $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-ispell-l3.aff > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff ( echo `cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-latin3.wl | wc -l`; cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-latin3.wl ) \ > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.dic # Copy aspell affix file with preferred name and prepare .cwl cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-latin3.wl \ | prezip -s -c \ | gzip -9n -c > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.cwl.gz cp $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff $(TMP_BUILD)/eo_affix.dat # Build esperanto wordlist cat work/$(EO_VARIANT).asc \ | ispell -d ./work/$(EO_VARIANT) -e \ | sed -f debian/hat2utf8.sed \ | tr -s ' ' '\n' \ | LC_ALL=C sort -uf > $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto # unmunch $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.dic $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff \ # | iconv -f iso-8859-3 -t utf-8 \ # | LC_ALL=C sort -uf > $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto # Build stuff for aspell cx pseudocharset sed -f debian/utf8-2-cx.sed $(TMP_BUILD)/esperanto \ | sort -u > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-cx.wl cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-cx.wl \ | perl -ne 'print unless /[^[:ascii:]]/' \ | grep -v -e "-'$$" \ | prezip -s -c \ | gzip -9n -c > $(TMP_BUILD)/eo-cx.cwl.gz override_dh_auto_clean: rm -rf $(TMP_BUILD) rm -f eo.hash kune.txt.cnt kune.txt.stat if [ -d $(ASPELL6DIR) ]; then \ rm $(ASPELL6DIR)/* && rmdir $(ASPELL6DIR); fi dh_auto_clean override_dh_auto_install: installdeb-ispell -piesperanto installdeb-aspell -paspell-eo installdeb-aspell -paspell-eo-cx7 installdeb-wordlist -pwesperanto dh_install # Useful only to build aspell official dir aspelltgz: clean build mkdir -p $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/aspell/Copyright $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/aspell/info $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/aspell/eo.dat $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 $(TMP_BUILD)/README.ispell $(TMP_BUILD)/legumin.l3.ispell $(ASPELL6DIR) install -m 644 debian/README.aspell $(ASPELL6DIR)/README install -m 644$(TMP_BUILD)/eo.aff $(ASPELL6DIR)/eo_affix.dat cat $(TMP_BUILD)/eo.dic | sed 1d | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u | \ aspell --local-data-dir=$(ASPELL6DIR) --lang=eo clean > $(ASPELL6DIR)/eo.wl ( cd $(ASPELL6DIR) && \ ln -sf $(ASPELLPROC) proc && \ perl proc && \ ./configure && \ make dist ) mv $(ASPELL6DIR)/$(ASPELL6BASENAME)*.tar.bz2 ..