Source: fife Uploaders: Christoph Egger Maintainer: Debian Games Team Section: libdevel Priority: optional Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper (>= 11), dh-python, libalut-dev, libasound2-dev, libboost-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-regex-dev, libboost-test-dev, libfifechan-dev (>= 0.1.5), libglew-dev, libopenal-dev, libpng-dev, libsdl2-image-dev, libsdl2-ttf-dev, libsdl2-dev, libtinyxml-dev, libunittest++-dev, libvorbis-dev, libxcursor-dev, python3-dev, python3, swig, zlib1g-dev Standards-Version: 4.3.0 Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Package: python3-fife Section: python Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Breaks: unknown-horizons (<< 2013.1), ${python:Breaks} Description: FIFE is a multi-platform isometric game engine FIFE stands for Flexible Isometric Free Engine and is a cross platform game creation framework written in C++. It provides you with the ability to create a game using Python interfaces. FIFE also comes as a DLL or static library so you can use C++ as well.