Format: Upstream-Name: file2 Upstream-Contact: Norizaku Ito Files: * Copyright: 1993 Norizaku Ito License: public-domain Comment: The text below was preserved from previous debian/copyright because there is no further reference about package's license. This package was debianized by Hiroyuki Yamamoto on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 22:44:48 +0900 Net news article. Header of the article is as follows: From: (Norikazu_Ito) Newsgroups: fj.sources Subject: file2-v1.1 (1/1) Message-ID: <> Date: 19 Aug 93 15:08:14 GMT Sender: Organization: Nihon Sogo System co,. Sendai Miyagi. The author writes: All the copyright is abandoned. Files: debian/* Copyright: 1998 Hayao Nakahara 1999-2003 Kenshi Muto 2007-2012 Hiroyuki Yamamoto 2020 Cesar Tulio Albuquerque de Almeida License: public-domain License: Public-Domain This software is under Public Domain.