#!/usr/bin/make -f TESTDIR = $(shell dh_testdir || echo no) ifeq (,$(TESTDIR)) include debian/make.mk # Use dpkg-buildflags to get build flags, but exclude -g, that is dealt with # via configure options. dpkg_buildflags = $(and $(1),$(shell DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP="-g" DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP="-g" dpkg-buildflags --get $(1))) $(call lazy,CFLAGS,$$(call dpkg_buildflags,CFLAGS)) $(call lazy,CXXFLAGS,$$(call dpkg_buildflags,CXXFLAGS)) $(call lazy,CPPFLAGS,$$(call dpkg_buildflags,CPPFLAGS)) $(call lazy,LDFLAGS,$$(call dpkg_buildflags,LDFLAGS)) $(call lazy,DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE,$$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)) $(call lazy,DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE,$$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)) $(call lazy,DEB_BUILD_ARCH_BITS,$$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH_BITS)) $(call lazy,DEB_BUILD_ARCH,$$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH)) $(call lazy,DEB_HOST_ARCH,$$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH)) PYTHON := PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=y python3 PRODUCT := browser include debian/upstream.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/buildopts.mk ifneq (,$(filter bullseye,$(DIST))) PATH := /usr/lib/llvm-16/bin/:$(PATH) endif SYSTEM_LIBS = zlib ffi libevent ifeq (,$(filter bullseye,$(DIST))) SYSTEM_LIBS += nspr vpx endif ifeq (,$(filter bullseye bookworm,$(DIST))) SYSTEM_LIBS += nss endif define system_lib USE_SYSTEM_$(1) ?= 1 SYSTEM_LIBS_VARS += $$(if $$(USE_SYSTEM_$(1)),USE_SYSTEM_$(1)) endef $(foreach lib,$(sort $(call uc,$(SYSTEM_LIBS))),$(eval $(call system_lib,$(lib)))) OFFICIAL_BRANDING := browser/branding/official MOZILLA_OFFICIAL := 1 # ESR, Beta and Releases use the official branding ifneq (,$(filter release beta esr%,$(SHORT_SOURCE_CHANNEL))) BRANDING ?= $(OFFICIAL_BRANDING) else ifneq (,$(filter aurora,$(SHORT_SOURCE_CHANNEL))) BRANDING ?= browser/branding/aurora else ifneq (,$(filter central,$(SHORT_SOURCE_CHANNEL))) BRANDING ?= browser/branding/nightly else $(error $(PRODUCT_NAME) branding for $(SOURCE_CHANNEL) is unsupported) endif endif endif COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --target=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --host=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --prefix=/usr COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-project=$(PRODUCT) COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += $(if $(filter $(BRANDING),$(OFFICIAL_BRANDING)),--enable-official-branding,--with-branding=$(BRANDING)) # Define PRODUCT, product and Product variables (replacing product with the # actual value of $(PRODUCT)) $(PRODUCT) := $(call lc,$(PRODUCT_NAME)) uc_first = $(strip $(eval __tmp := $(1))$(foreach l,$(letters),$(eval __tmp := $(subst $(l),$(l) ,$(__tmp))))$(call uc,$(firstword $(__tmp)))$(1:$(firstword $(__tmp))%=%)) DISPLAY_NAME := $(call uc_first,$(PRODUCT_DOWNLOAD_NAME))$(if $(filter %-esr,$(PRODUCT_NAME)), ESR) $(call uc,$(PRODUCT)) := $(call uc,$($(PRODUCT))) Product := $(call uc_first,$(PRODUCT)) $(Product) := $(DISPLAY_NAME) export MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME := $($(PRODUCT)) LIB_DIR := /usr/lib/$($(PRODUCT)) SHARE_DIR := /usr/share/$($(PRODUCT)) # Work around https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/7147 export CARGO_HOME=$(CURDIR)/debian/.cargo export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH = $(CURDIR)/debian/.mozbuild LDFLAGS += -Wl,--as-needed # Disable debug symbols when building on 32-bits machines, because # a) the rust compiler can't deal with it in the available address # space, and b) the linker can't deal with it in the available address space # either. ifneq (64,$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH_BITS)) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-debug-symbols endif # Also disable them on riscv64, because linking takes so long that buildds # kill the build after 420 minutes of "inactivity". ifeq (riscv64,$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-debug-symbols endif CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-update-channel=$(CHANNEL) ifneq (,$(filter noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-optimize endif ifneq (,$(filter debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-debug endif ifneq (,$(filter armel armhf arm64 riscv64,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) MOZ_ENABLE_V4L2 = 1 endif ifneq (,$(filter i386 amd64 armel armhf arm64,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) CRASH_REPORTER = 1 endif ifneq (,$(filter mips%,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-webrtc endif ifeq (default,$(origin CC)) ifneq (,$(filter-out bullseye bookworm,$(DIST))) CC := clang else ifeq ($(DIST),bookworm) CC := gcc-11 else CC := gcc endif endif endif ifeq (default,$(origin CXX)) ifneq (,$(filter-out bullseye bookworm,$(DIST))) CXX := clang++ else ifeq ($(DIST),bookworm) CXX := g++-11 else CXX := g++ endif endif endif # When using clang, the build system uses ld.lld instead of BFD ld. ifeq (,$(findstring clang,$(CC))) # Reduce memory usage of the linker at the expense of processing time # This should help on lower-end architectures like arm and mips, which # spend an immense amount of time swapping. LDFLAGS += -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads # Work around https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=30566 ifeq (,$(filter i386 amd64 ppc64%,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-keep-memory endif endif # Also add execution time and memory usage stats in the logs LDFLAGS += -Wl,--stats ifneq (,$(filter mips mipsel,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-jit endif RUSTFLAGS = --remap-path-prefix=$(CURDIR)=. EXPORTS := CC CXX CFLAGS CXXFLAGS CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS MOZILLA_OFFICIAL RUSTFLAGS $(call lazy,CONFIGURE_ENV,$$(foreach export,$(EXPORTS),$$(export)="$$($$(export))")) IN_FILES := $(wildcard debian/*.in) ifeq ($(PRODUCT_NAME),firefox) IN_FILES := $(filter-out debian/browser.preinst.in debian/browser.postrm.in debian/$($(PRODUCT)).in,$(IN_FILES)) endif preprocessed_filename = $(subst $(PRODUCT),$($(PRODUCT)),$(subst GRE_VERSION,$(GRE_VERSION),$(1:.in=))) define preprocess $(call preprocessed_filename,$(1)): $(1) PREPROCESSED_FILES += $(call preprocessed_filename,$(1)) endef $(foreach f,$(IN_FILES),$(eval $(call preprocess, $(f)))) GENERATED_FILES += $(PREPROCESSED_FILES) debian/l10n/$(PRODUCT)-l10n.control debian/control: debian/rules debian/changelog debian/l10n/$(PRODUCT)-l10n.control $(call lazy,L10N_PACKAGES,$$(foreach lang,$$(L10N_LANGS),$($(PRODUCT))-l10n-$$(call lc,$$(lang)))) $(call lazy,L10N_PACKAGES_DEPS,$$(shell echo $$(L10N_PACKAGES) | sed 's/ /, /g')) debian/l10n/$(PRODUCT)-l10n.control: %: %.in PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 $(PYTHON) debian/l10n/gen $(L10N_LANGS) > $@ $(call lazy,LIBAVCODEC,$$(shell awk -F\" '/libavcodec\.so\./ { sub(/libavcodec\.so\./,"", $$$$2); p = "libavcodec" $$$$2 " | libavcodec-extra" $$$$2; if (d) { d = d " | " p } else { d = p } } END { print d }' dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/FFmpegRuntimeLinker.cpp)) $(PREPROCESSED_FILES): stamps/mozbuild-state stamps/mozbuild-state:: MOZ_OBJDIR=debian/objdir MACH_BUILD_PYTHON_NATIVE_PACKAGE_SOURCE=none $(PYTHON) ./mach python --virtualenv build -c "" $(PREPROCESSED_FILES): VARS = GRE_VERSION PRODUCT_DOWNLOAD_NAME $(PRODUCT) $(call uc,$(PRODUCT)) $(Product) MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME $(SYSTEM_LIBS_VARS) SHORT_SOURCE_CHANNEL DIST MOZ_ENABLE_V4L2 CRASH_REPORTER DEB_HOST_ARCH debian/control: VARS += L10N_PACKAGES_DEPS PRODUCT LIBAVCODEC $(PREPROCESSED_FILES): MOZ_OBJDIR=debian/objdir MACH_BUILD_PYTHON_NATIVE_PACKAGE_SOURCE=none $(PYTHON) ./mach python --virtualenv build python/mozbuild/mozbuild/preprocessor.py --marker % -Fsubstitution $(foreach var,$(VARS),-D$(var)="$($(var))" )$< -o $@ override_dh_auto_configure: stamps/configure-check-$(PRODUCT):: stamps/configure-$(PRODUCT) # Ensure --{with,enable}-system options properly set expected variables # according to the definitions in the mozconfig file. @awk -F' *# *| *$$' ' \ BEGIN { confs="$(foreach f,autoconf.mk emptyvars.mk,$(CURDIR)/build-$(PRODUCT)/config/$(f))" } \ $$1 ~ /system-/ { \ if (! $$2) { \ print FILENAME ": Missing variable for",$$1; \ error=1; \ } else { \ split($$2,var,"="); \ cmd = "grep -l " var[1] " " confs; \ cmd | getline dir; \ sub(/\/[^\/]*$$/, "", dir); \ cmd = "$(MAKE) -C " dir " --no-print-directory echo-variable-" var[1]; \ cmd | getline value; \ if (value != var[2]) { print $$1, "triggered", var[1] "=" value,"instead of",$$2; error=1 } \ } \ } \ END { if (error) { exit 1 }}' debian/$($(PRODUCT)).mozconfig stamps/configure-$(PRODUCT):: debian/$($(PRODUCT)).mozconfig stamps/mozbuild-state ifeq (armhf,$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)) ifeq (,$(shell grep -l cpu:type:aarch64 /sys/devices/system/cpu/modalias)) # There is not enough memory in armhf userspace with a 32-bits kernel. $(error Unfortunately cannot build on armhf. Try a 64-bits kernel) endif endif ifeq (mipsel,$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)) # There is not enough memory in mipsel userspace with neither a 32-bits nor 64-bits kernel. $(error Unfortunately cannot build on mipsel. Try cross-compilation) endif $(if $(wildcard build-$(PRODUCT)),,mkdir build-$(PRODUCT)) cd build-$(PRODUCT) && \ MOZCONFIG=$(CURDIR)/debian/$($(PRODUCT)).mozconfig \ ASFLAGS="-g" \ $(CONFIGURE_ENV) \ $(CURDIR)/configure \ $(COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ $(CONFIGURE_FLAGS) # Use thinLTO on armhf, to stay in the memory budget with an armhf toolchain. ifeq (armhf,$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)) export DEBIAN_RUST_LTO=-Clto=thin endif stamps/build-$(PRODUCT):: stamps/configure-check-$(PRODUCT) +dh_auto_build --parallel --builddirectory=build-$(PRODUCT) -- \ _LEAKTEST_FILES=leaktest.py L10N_BUILD_STAMPS = $(foreach lang,$(L10N_LANGS),stamps/build-l10n-$(lang)) stamps/build-l10n:: debian/rules $(addprefix -j,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTION_PARALLEL)) $(L10N_BUILD_STAMPS) $(L10N_BUILD_STAMPS):: stamps/build-l10n-%: stamps/mozbuild-state $(if $(wildcard build-l10n/$*),,mkdir -p build-l10n/$*) $(if $(wildcard l10n),,mkdir -p l10n) cd build-l10n/$* && \ $(CONFIGURE_ENV) \ $(CURDIR)/configure \ $(COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-compile-environment \ --with-l10n-base=$(CURDIR)/l10n $(if $(wildcard l10n/$*),,ln -sf ../l10n-$* l10n/$*) MACH_BUILD_PYTHON_NATIVE_PACKAGE_SOURCE=none $(MAKE) -C build-l10n/$*/$(PRODUCT)/locales langpack-$* MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=flat MOZ_LANGPACK_EID=langpack-$*@$($(PRODUCT)).mozilla.org PKG_LANGPACK_BASENAME='$$(MOZ_LANGPACK_EID)' PKG_LANGPACK_PATH=xpi/ override_dh_auto_build-arch: stamps/build-$(PRODUCT) override_dh_auto_build-indep: stamps/build-l10n ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) # Disable tests on stable-security ifeq (,$(findstring ~deb,$(DEBIAN_RELEASE))) # Disable tests until they're fixed #include debian/test.mk endif endif override_dh_auto_clean:: rm -f $(filter-out debian/control debian/watch,$(GENERATED_FILES)) rm -rf stamps l10n $(CARGO_HOME) debian/rules debian/control TESTDIR= dh_auto_clean --builddirectory=build-$(PRODUCT) dh_auto_clean --builddirectory=build-l10n find . -name "*.pyc" -o -name "*.pyo" | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -f rm -rf debian/objdir $(MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH) override_dh_auto_install-arch: stamps/install-$(PRODUCT) override_dh_auto_install-indep: stamps/install-$(PRODUCT):: dh_auto_install --builddirectory=build-$(PRODUCT) -- installdir=$(LIB_DIR) \ MOZ_APP_BASE_VERSION=$(GRE_VERSION) \ TAR_CREATE_FLAGS="--exclude=.mkdir.done --hard-dereference -chf" \ SIGN_NSS= -TZ=UTC unzip -d debian/tmp$(LIB_DIR)/browser debian/tmp$(LIB_DIR)/browser/omni.ja 'defaults/preferences/*' L10N_DH_INSTALL_STAMPS = $(foreach lang,$(L10N_LANGS),stamps/dh_install-l10n-$(lang)) stamps/dh_install-l10n:: debian/rules $(addprefix -j,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTION_PARALLEL)) $(L10N_DH_INSTALL_STAMPS) $(L10N_DH_INSTALL_STAMPS):: stamps/dh_install-l10n-%: stamps/build-l10n-% dh_install -p$($(PRODUCT))-l10n-$(call lc,$*) build-l10n/$*/dist/xpi/langpack-$*@$($(PRODUCT)).mozilla.org.xpi $(LIB_DIR)/browser/extensions/ stamps/dh_install:: debian/noinstall debian/$($(PRODUCT))-symbolic.svg awk '{print "debian/tmp/" $$1 }' < debian/noinstall | xargs rm -r dh_install dh_missing --fail-missing override_dh_install-arch: stamps/dh_install override_dh_install-indep: stamps/dh_install-l10n # dwz trips on libxul, after using a lot of memory. # it also fails on some architectures on some libraries, which can happen # in new version updates, so just disable it entirely, as the gains are marginal override_dh_dwz: override_dh_strip: dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='$($(PRODUCT))-dbg (<< 49.0-4~)' override_dh_strip_nondeterminism: override_dh_shlibdeps: dh_shlibdeps -a -l$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp$(LIB_DIR) install binary binary-arch binary-indep: $(filter-out %.pc,$(GENERATED_FILES)) binary binary-arch binary-indep build build-arch build-indep clean install: debian/dh $@ .PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install $(eval ALL_STAMPS := $(shell awk -F:: '$$1 ~ /^stamps\// && !/%/ { print $$1 }' debian/rules) $(L10N_BUILD_STAMPS) $(L10N_DH_INSTALL_STAMPS)) $(ALL_STAMPS):: @mkdir -p stamps $(if $(wildcard $@),,touch $@) endif