#! /usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=flox export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=\ --ignore={dir}/tests/test_asv.py \ -k "not test_xarray_reduce_single_grouper \ and not test_func_is_aggregation \ and not test_groupby_bins_indexed_coordinate \ and not test_groupby_reduce_all \ and not test_verify_complex_cohorts \ and not test_group_by_datetime \ and not test_find_group_cohorts \ and not test_cohorts_map_reduce_consistent_dtypes \ and not test_dtype_accumulation \ and not test_multi_index_groupby_sum \ and not test_find_cohorts_missing_groups \ and not test_snapshot_cohorts \ and not test_groupby_reduce \ and not test_scans \ and not test_ffill_bfill_reverse \ and not test_groupby_preserve_dtype \ and not test_blockwise_avoid_rechunk" \ {dir}/tests export PYBUILD_AFTER_INSTALL=rm -rf \ {destdir}/{install_dir}/benchmarks \ {destdir}/{install_dir}/asv_bench %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild