Format: Upstream-name: AoyagiSoseki Source: Upstream-contact: 青柳衡山 (Kouzan Aoyagi) Files: *.ttf Copyright: 青柳衡山 (Kouzan Aoyagi) 青柳疎石 (Soseki Aoyagi) License: public-domain (Original Text written in Japanese, UTF-8) 青柳フォント5体、全てについてパブリックドメインと致しております、 自由にお使い頂けたらと思います。 . 5 fonts in AoyagiFont family (AoyagiSoseki, KouzanMouhitsu, KouzanMouhitsu Gyosho, KouzanMouhitsu Sousho and AoyagiKouzanFontT) are under Public Domain. Please use it freely. Files: debian/* Copyright: 2008-2017, Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) License: GPL-2 On Debian systems the full text of the GNU General Public License can be found in the `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2' file.