fonts-lao (0.0.20060226-9) unstable; urgency=low * Update Standards to 3.9.4 (checked) * Bump debhelper compatibility to 9 * Drop ttf-lao transitional package * Add Multi-Arch: foreign field * Use xz extreme compression for deb packages * Use git for packaging: adapt Vcs-* fields * Use Package-Type instead of XC-Package-Type for udeb * Explicitly mention the link to LGPL-2 in debian/copyright * Replace (C) by explicit Copyright in debian/copyright -- Christian Perrier Wed, 07 Aug 2013 21:19:25 +0200 fonts-lao (0.0.20060226-8) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload * Rename source package to "fonts-lao" to fit the Font Packages Naming Policy. * Bump Standards to 3.9.2 (checked) * Change fonts install directory from usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-lao to usr/share/fonts/truetype/lao -- Christian Perrier Mon, 03 Oct 2011 19:56:34 +0200 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-7) unstable; urgency=low * Create udeb meant to be used for the graphical installer -- Christian Perrier Sat, 27 Nov 2010 13:52:14 +0100 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-6) unstable; urgency=low * Drop defoma use -- Christian Perrier Wed, 02 Dec 2009 19:17:10 +0100 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-5) unstable; urgency=low * Rebuild with new defoma to avoid #557321 * Drop useless README.source -- Christian Perrier Sun, 22 Nov 2009 16:36:55 +0100 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-4) unstable; urgency=low * Change section to "fonts" * Completely switch to debhelper 7, with a minimal rules file * No longer use CDBS -- Christian Perrier Fri, 20 Nov 2009 05:27:03 +0100 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-3) unstable; urgency=low * More complete copyright file after Joerg Jaspert advices on debian-devel-annouce * Add README.source * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format * Bump debhelper compatibility to 7 * Add ${misc:Depends} to dependencies to properly cope with dependencies implied by debhelper * Update Standards to 3.8.3 (checked) -- Christian Perrier Sun, 08 Nov 2009 20:06:49 +0100 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-2) unstable; urgency=low * Bump Standards to (no change) * Move cdbs and debhelper to Build-Depends. Thanks, lintian. -- Christian Perrier Wed, 9 Aug 2006 19:54:39 -0500 ttf-lao (0.0.20060226-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Christian Perrier ] * Initial Release. Closes: #355088 -- Christian Perrier Sat, 4 Mar 2006 13:53:37 +0100