Source: fookb Section: x11 Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Window Maker Team Uploaders: Doug Torrance , Jeremy Sowden Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), libdockapp-dev, libwings-dev, libx11-dev, libxpm-dev, pkg-config Standards-Version: 4.4.1 Rules-Requires-Root: no Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Package: fookb Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Replaces: fookb-plainx (<< 4.0-1~), fookb-wmaker (<< 4.0-1~) Breaks: fookb-plainx (<< 4.0-1~), fookb-wmaker (<< 4.0-1~) Suggests: sox Description: Xkb state indicator WindowMaker docked Xkb state indicator. Fookb can switch xkb groups and display a pixmap corresponding to the selected group. It also can execute a specified command upon the switch (for example, play sound). Package: fookb-plainx Section: oldlibs Architecture: all Depends: fookb, ${misc:Depends} Description: Xkb state indicator -- plain X version (transitional package) WindowMaker docked Xkb state indicator. Fookb can switch xkb groups and display a pixmap corresponding to the selected group. It also can execute a specified command upon the switch (for example, play sound). This is the plain X-compiled version. It can't do docking, and uses only X resources for configuration. . This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: fookb-wmaker Section: oldlibs Architecture: all Depends: fookb, ${misc:Depends} Description: Xkb state indicator -- WindowMaker version (transitional package) WindowMaker docked Xkb state indicator. Fookb can switch xkb groups and display a pixmap corresponding to the selected group. It also can execute a specified command upon the switch (for example, play sound). This is the WindowMaker-compiled version. It can do docking, and uses proplist-style configuration files. . This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed.