#!/usr/bin/make -f # get upstream ABI variable, and export it for use by debhelper snippets include base/version.mak export GS_DOT_VERSION include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk # detect if build targets experimental suite (or is a draft) DEB_SUITE_EXP = $(filter experimental% UNRELEASED,$(DEB_DISTRIBUTION)) pkg-data = libgs10-common binaries := $(shell dh_listpackages) # don't run configure during autogen.sh export NOCONFIGURE = 1 fontdirs = /var/lib/ghostscript/fonts /usr/share/cups/fonts \ /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts \ /usr/share/fonts # Remove some of the scripts DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL += $(addprefix -Xbin/,\ unix-lpr.sh lprsetup.sh pv.sh fixmswrd.pl) # Do not include the Ghostscript loader executable with GTK support DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL += -Xbin/gsx # Strip CMap files (separately packaged in poppler-data) DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL += -X/Resource/CMap # Recommend fonts-droid (not ship DroidSansFallback.ttf) DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL += -XDroidSansFallback.ttf # relax symbols check when bootstrapping an arch or targeting experimental STAGE1 = $(findstring stage1,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES)) export DPKG_GENSYMBOLS_CHECK_LEVEL=$(if $(DEB_SUITE_EXP)$(STAGE1),0,1) # # FIXME: Enable parallel when not causing spurious errors like this: # %: dh $@ --no-parallel # use upstream bootstrapping script override_dh_autoreconf: dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh # * TODO: enable pcl when supporting system-shared libjpeg # # * TODO: maybe enable openjpeg (requires fork for ICC and CMYK support) override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ --without-pcl \ --with-x --disable-gtk \ --disable-compile-inits \ --with-fontpath=$(subst $() ,:,$(strip $(fontdirs))) override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build -- so $(gs_opts) execute_after_dh_auto_build-indep: ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES) $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) sphinx-build -bhtml doc/src doc/build/html endif # check that tracked issues are solved override_dh_auto_test: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES) $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) GS="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=sobin GS_LIB=Resource/Init sobin/gsc" \ $(MAKE) --file debian/tests/smoke.mk GS="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=sobin GS_LIB=Resource/Init sobin/gsc" \ $(MAKE) --file debian/tests/issues/bug_700317/check.mk endif override_dh_auto_install: $(MAKE) soinstall DESTDIR=debian/tmp override_dh_install: # Rename /usr/bin/gsc, to not conflict with gambc mv debian/tmp/usr/bin/gsc debian/tmp/usr/bin/gs mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/sbin/ install -m 755 debian/update-gsfontmap debian/tmp/usr/sbin # Move ICC profiles to shared dir, to allow reuse by others. mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/color/icc mv debian/tmp/usr/share/ghostscript/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)/iccprofiles \ debian/tmp/usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript dh_install $(DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL) dh_link --package=$(pkg-data) -- $(DEB_DH_LINK_$(pkg-data)) dh_link --no-package=$(pkg-data) ifneq ($(filter $(pkg-data),$(binaries)),) file='debian/$(pkg-data)/usr/share/ghostscript/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)/Resource/Init/cidfmap'; \ ! egrep -v '^(%([^%].*)?)?$$' "$$file" && rm "$$file" || ( \ echo; \ echo 'ERROR: cidfmap not virtually empty as expected,'; \ echo ' so some alternative to just dropping that file is required.'; \ echo ' More info at bug#531182.'; \ exit 1 ) rename 's/$$/.t1/' \ debian/$(pkg-data)/usr/share/ghostscript/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)/Resource/Font/* dh_linktree -p$(pkg-data) -- \ replace usr/share/fonts/type1/urw-base35 \ usr/share/ghostscript/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)/Resource/Font rename 's/\.t1$$//' \ debian/$(pkg-data)/usr/share/ghostscript/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)/Resource/Font/* endif execute_after_dh_installdocs-indep: ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES) $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) dh_sphinxdoc endif override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.pdf