Source: gitano Section: interpreters Priority: optional Maintainer: Daniel Silverstone Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20120909~), lua-luxio, cmdtest (>= 0.12), lua-lace, lua-supple (>=1.0.7), lua-clod, lua-gall, lua-scrypt, git, lua5.1, lua-rex-pcre, lua-tongue, rsync, gnupg, apache2-utils, lighttpd, procps, pandoc, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-xetex, texlive-luatex, lmodern, texlive-fonts-recommended, wget Standards-Version: 3.9.8 Homepage: Package: gitano Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, git, lua-lace, lua-supple, lua-clod, lua-gall, lua-scrypt, lua-luxio0, lua5.1, lua-rex-pcre, lua-tongue, gnupg, curl Recommends: rsync, apache2-utils Suggests: git-annex Description: Git service manager Gitano is a Git service manager along similar lines to Gitosos or Gitolite. Gitano is focussed on being configured entirely via Git and can be commanded over SSH. Gitano has support for running hooks with limited functionality in a sandbox so as to allow for untrusted parties writing hook code. Gitano also has a fully-fledged ACL system which allows individual projects to create their own rulesets, along with supporting complex delegable permissions.