Source: golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt Section: golang Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Go Packaging Team Uploaders: Reinhard Tartler Rules-Requires-Root: no Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-sequence-golang, golang-any, golang-github-containerd-containerd-dev, golang-github-containerd-errdefs-dev, golang-github-containerd-typeurl-dev, golang-github-containers-ocicrypt-dev, golang-github-opencontainers-go-digest-dev, golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec-dev Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-go Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: XS-Go-Import-Path: Package: imgcrypt Architecture: linux-any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Built-Using: ${misc:Built-Using} Description: OCI Image Encryption Package (program) The imgcrypt library provides API extensions for containerd to support encrypted container images and implements the ctd-decoder command line tool for use by containerd to decrypt encrypted container images. An extended version of containerd's ctr tool (ctr-enc) with support for encrypting and decrypting container images is also provided. . imgcrypt relies on the ocicrypt ( library for crypto functions on image layers. . This package contains the command-line utility Package: golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt-dev Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: golang-github-containerd-containerd-dev, golang-github-containerd-errdefs-dev, golang-github-containerd-typeurl-dev, golang-github-containers-ocicrypt-dev, golang-github-opencontainers-go-digest-dev, golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec-dev, ${misc:Depends} Description: OCI Image Encryption Package (library) The imgcrypt library provides API extensions for containerd to support encrypted container images and implements the ctd-decoder command line tool for use by containerd to decrypt encrypted container images. An extended version of containerd's ctr tool (ctr-enc) with support for encrypting and decrypting container images is also provided. . imgcrypt relies on the ocicrypt ( library for crypto functions on image layers. . This package contains the command-line utility