Source: golang-github-go-chi-chi Section: golang Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Go Packaging Team Uploaders: Thorsten Alteholz Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-golang, golang-any Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: XS-Go-Import-Path: Rules-Requires-Root: no Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-go Package: golang-github-go-chi-chi-dev Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services This package contains a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services. It's especially good at helping you write large REST API services that are kept maintainable as your project grows and changes. chi is built on the new context package introduced in Go 1.7 to handle signaling, cancellation and request-scoped values across a handler chain. . The focus of the project has been to seek out an elegant and comfortable design for writing REST API servers.