#!/usr/bin/make -f DEB_SETUP_GHC_CONFIGURE_ARGS := $(shell test -e /usr/bin/ghci || echo --flags=-th) DEB_SETUP_GHC_CONFIGURE_ARGS += $(shell test -e /usr/lib/ghc/rts/libHSrts_thr.a || echo --flags=-threaded) DEB_ENABLE_TESTS = yes # haskell-aeson needs a lot of memory during compilation. # Unfortunately, this amount of memory is not available on all platforms, # and error: "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory." could appear. # # In this case possible solution could be using ggc-min-expand. # This parameter specifies the minimum percentage by which the # garbage collector’s heap should be allowed to expand between collections. # Tuning this may improve compilation speed; it has no effect on code generation. # # http://hostingfu.com/article/compiling-with-gcc-on-low-memory-vps # -- Dejan Latinovic ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),mips mipsel)) DEB_SETUP_GHC_CONFIGURE_ARGS += --ghc-options="-optc--param -optcggc-min-expand=10" endif # Disable tests on powerpc due to memory constraints ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),powerpc)) DEB_ENABLE_TESTS = no endif include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/hlibrary.mk