#!/usr/bin/make -f DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME = debian/hlibrary.setup DEB_CABAL_PACKAGE = futhark DEB_DEFAULT_COMPILER = ghc include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/hlibrary.mk build/futhark:: build-ghc-stamp cd docs; make man build/futhark-doc:: cd docs; make html common-binary-arch:: # TODO test other backends (CPU is always available) # --concurrency=1 is rather excessive but too much parallelism risks GPU OOM # Idea: Use a runner that checks that GPU has a reasonable amount of memory available ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) set -e\ ; if [ -r /dev/kfd -a -x /usr/bin/hipcc ]\ ; then cp -r tests debian\ ; dist-ghc/build/futhark/futhark test --backend=hip --concurrency=1 --notty debian/tests\ ; else echo "W: /dev/kfd unreadable: no available AMD GPU, or hipcc not found"\ ; echo "W: tests skipped."\ ; fi endif cleanbuilddir:: rm -rf debian/tests docs/_build