This package was debianized by Camm Maguire <> on
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 13:36:15 -0400.

It was downloaded from

Upstream Authors: Michael Gordon <>
                  University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory                 

Copyright: 1994 University of Edinburgh, University of Cambridge, INRIA


public domain



6.1 HOL88

The core HOL system became stable in about 1988. A new release that
consolidated various changes and enhancements called HOL88 was issued
then.11 We were fortunate to receive support from DSTO Australia to
document HOL12 and from Hewlett Packard to port it from Franz Lisp to
Common Lisp (a job very ably done by John Carroll). The current
versions of HOL and its documentation are public domain13 and
available on the Internet

The Debian packaging is (C) 2006, Camm Maguire <> and
is licensed under the GPL, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.